Insider 11 / 2018

PACKAGING / PALLETISING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 11/18 27 The Movigear product range of mechatronic drive systems The Movigear mechatronic drive system The Movigear mechatronic drive system combines motor, gear and drive electronics into a single system. It is designed to be used flexibly in various communication infrastructures. This makes it suit- able for all decentralised applications on-site, particu- larly in general conveyor technology. All the compo- nents – the permanently energised Efficiency Class IE4 synchronous motor, the high-quality gearbox and integrated electronics, have been optimally matched with one another and the overall system optimally energised. As a result, the Movigear has a high level of system efficiency which means that energy savings of up to 50% (compared to conventional, older drives) can be achieved on a regu- lar basis. The MGF..-DSM drive unit For central installations, the integrated MGF..-DSM geared motor, combined with the Movigear LTP-B control cabinet inverter, is a highly efficient IE4 solution. Plant manufacturers and operators can also use the Movigear mechatronic drive system’s many advantages for central installations. These features make the system ideal for use in products, containers and container transport sys- tems in the food and drink industries and are there- fore mainly used for retrofit projects with emphasis on high energy efficiency. It is equally suitable for new installations that require a central control cabinet installation of the frequency inverter. The DRC.. electronic motor The DRC electronic motor extends the range of mechatronic drive systems for decentralised applications more widely. Its com- pact design combines a permanently energised Efficiency Class IE4 motor with integrated drive electronics. As for the gearbox, it offers maxi- mum flexibility. In combination with an efficient bevel, spur or flat gear from SEW-Eurodrive’s extensive gear portfolio, the electronic DRC motor forms a powerful decentralised drive unit. For this, there are identi- cal communication versions as with Movigear. IS STILL 50% TOO MUCH. 50% L SS P CK G NG The KHS solution for more sustainability: New avenues in packaging technology. We are continuously improving our packaging. By applying innovative technologies and swit- EJKPI QXGT VQ OQPQ OCVGTKCN RCEMCIKPI YG JCXG JCNXGF QWT RCEMKPI OCVGTKCNU QXGT VJG NCUV ƂXG [GCTU #PF YG CTG UQQP VQ VCMG CPQVJGT DKI UVGR HQTYCTF KP WUKPI PGY VJKPPGT V[RGU QH ƂNO