Insider 11 / 2018

MARKET SURVEY 37 PETplanet Insider Vol. 19 No. 11/18 Genius PTF - Fastlayer Genius PTF/A - Fastlayer Genius PP/PV Robby Pal Robby Pal with Fastlayer ConventionalAutomatic palletisers steady pallet type with innovative layer preparation. ConventionalAutomatic palletisers moving pallet type with innovative layer preparation. Conventional Automatic palletisers steady pallet type for empty PET containers Robotic automatic palletiser Robotic automatic palletiser with innovative layer preparation. 10min 12min 15min 15min 10min Up to 330 layers/hour Up to 700 layers/hour Up to 330 layers/hour Up to 320 layers/hour Up to 320 layers/hour Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedopera- tor intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withhighlycustomizable solutions -Layerpreparationwithactivepackorientation andarrangementwithrobots -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedopera- tor intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withhighlycustomisable solutions -Layerpreparationwithactivepackorientation andarrangementwithrobots -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle Vacummheadavailble forwide mouthcontainers(ie jars). -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedopera- tor intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withhighlycustomisable solutions -Anextremelycompleterange to handledifferent typesofcontainersand products: layer,rowandmultiheadand looseproductpalletizingsystems -Extremelyflexibleandmodularsolu- tionwithreduced footprint. -Customisationof thegrippingsystem and layer transferaccording to the product tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumber ofproduct infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedoperator intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpallets on themarket trouble-free,withhighly customisablesolutions -An extremely complete range to handle different types of containers and products: layer, row and multihead and loose product palletising systems - Extremely flexible and modular solution with reduced footprint. - Customisation of the gripping system and layer transfer according to the product to handle - Designed to accept a variable number of product infeeds - Fully automatic system requiring limited opera- tor intervention, operating in complete safety - Possibility to handle all main pallets on the market trouble-free, with highly customisable solutions - Layer preparation with active pack orientation and arrangement with robots Company Productive Systems (Pty)Ltd GEA Group Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Email PO Box 7643, Centurion, 0046 South Africa +27 12 661 1250 Mr Stefan Schonfeldt Marketing Director +27 12 661 1250 [email protected] Via Fedolfi 29, 43038 Sala Baganza, Parma, Italy +39 0521 839 0 Mr Alessandro Bello Vice President Head of Blowing, Filling & Packaging +39 0521 839 411 [email protected] Palletising machinery: Semi automatic & Automatic Yes Format changeover time 10 – 20min depending on differences in formats 5' (completle automatic) Output rate (packs per minute) 25,000bph (empty plastic bottles) 6 layer/min Automatically intergrated:(yes/no) Empty pack feeding Yes Yes Insertion of interlayers Yes Yes Connectable to shrinkwrapper Yes Yes Special characteristics: i.e. low-level feed, cross conveyer barrier Yes Low level, high level, manipulator pack infeed