Insider 11 / 2018
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 11/18 52 RAL Hall 4A booth 511 Average recyclate content of 50 percent in disposable PET bottles by 2022 Raising the rPET bar RAL quality association “Wertstoffkette PET-Getränkever- packungen e.V.”, founded in 2014, has set itself the goal of promoting further development of PET beverage bottles from an ecological point of view. The RAL quality associa- tion spans supply chains and sectors. Its 30 plus members include PET recyclers that manufacture recyclates which come into contact with food (food-grade), preform producers and beverage producers of mineral waters and soft drinks. At Brau Beviale, the RAL quality association will present the special show PET Recycling. With its technical requirements, the RAL quality association sets the benchmark for the process stages of the PET beverage packaging recy- cling chain. Manufacturers of PET recyclates, preform manufactur- ers and beverage bottlers took the initiative in 2014 to ensure a virtually closed material cycle within the frame- work of current and future quality assurance. The aim is to increase the amount of recycled material in PET bever- age bottles in accordance with high quality standards. This will ensure a high level of consumer protection and optimised interfaces across all stages of the supply chain. In order to be able to carry the uniform RAL quality mark, it has been necessary to manufacture new PET bottles containing at least 25 percent recycled PET material. According to the latest GVM study, an average of 26 percent PET recyclate is currently used in German non-refill- able PET bottles. This value is to be significantly increased. The RAL qual- ity association has set itself the goal of achieving an average recyclate content of 50 percent in the quality- assured products by 2022. The members are endeavouring to include further relevant links in the recyclables chain in the quality asso- ciation in order to achieve this goal. “We are aware that the various stages are not yet represented in the quality association. We are open to innova- tion and, together with the beverage industry and above all the retail trade, would like to cover the entire value chain of PET beverage packaging in the future”, says managing director Irina Bremerstein. “The public’s and consumers’ desire for more sustain- ability affects all sectors of the bever- age industry. That’s why a voluntary commitment for a sustainable cycle is the right response,” continues Bremerstein. At Brau Beviale the RAL quality association presents its goals to the visitors. It is supported by the “Arbe- itsgemeinschaft konsumenten- und ökologieorientierte Getränkeverpack- ungen e.V.” (Consumers’ and Ecol- ogy-Oriented Beverage Packaging Association) and the “IK Industriever- einigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.” (IK Industrial Association for Plastic Packaging). The Industrial Associa- tion for Plastic Packaging represents the interests of plastic packaging and film manufacturers in Germany and Europe. The Beverage Packag- ing Association and the companies it represents are committed to sustain- ability and continuous optimisation of the PET disposable system.