Insider 12 / 2018
BOTTLING / FILLING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 12/18 25 So as to meet the rising levels of demand, the company decided to completely refurbish its existing plant and to build a new factory right next to it. This latter was inaugurated in June 2017. Erection of the lines went well- nigh without a hitch: installation work began in late 2016, by the following April production had already started, and in September of that same year 2017 all the filling lines were up and running. Nearly all of the firm’s 150 staff come from the surrounding region, and are taken to the plant each day with the com- pany’s own buses. With the commissioning of the new plant, the number of SKUs (stock-keeping units) rose from twelve to siginificantly more than 100. This is primarily attributable to the cooperative alliance the firm has entered into with the Austrian fruit-juice producer Rauch, coincid- ing with an expansion of its own portfolio: whereas the old plant was used to fill only water until 2017, Healthy Water today produces more than 40 different beverages of various brands. The port- folio includes: Nabeghlavi: natural, carbonated mineral water and flavoured water, filled in green glass bottles, PET containers and cans Bakhmaro: still spring water, since 2002 filled in blue glass bottles and PET containers Buga: an energy drink in cans Geo Natura: flavoured carbonated soft drinks, filled in PET containers and glass bottles, plus non-alcoholic Mojito in cans Licensed filling of prod- ucts from Rauch: fruit juices, ice teas, flavoured carbonated soft drinks, plus other soft drinks, in PET containers, cartons and cans. “Our cooperative alliance with Rauch, one of Europe’s leading producers of fruit juices and other soft drinks, SynchroBloc comprising a KSB 6R blow-moulder and a Barifill filler. SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - email:
[email protected] We make it happen. Imagine a totally new operator experience. Designed to adapt. Built to last. Preform Systems TH E MO ST E NE R G Y EF FIC IE N T S YS T EM bel o w 1 95 W /k g