Insider 12 / 2018

MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 19 No. 12/18 • 28mm, 33mm and 38mm screw closures • Robust and trouble free capping • Established DoubleSeal™ technology - for secure sealing performance - for better protection against micro-organisms • Slit FLEXBAND ® band technology for enhanced tamper evidence • O 2 barrier and scavenging options for screw flat caps supporting longer shelf life and fresher taste • Sports closures for aseptic filling and hot filling without aluminum foil • Special closures for syrups and carton packaging Unique range of screw and sports closures designed for cold fill and aseptic application BERI CAP Technology for juices, RTD teas, health drinks Starlinger & Co. Ges.m.b.H. STF Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, 1060 Wien, Autria +43 1 59955 0 Mr Paul Niedl Commercial Head Division Recycling Technology +43 2674 800 3100 [email protected] Industriestr. 2, 94529 Aicha v. Wald, Germany +49 8544 960 110 Mr Erwin Forstner Sales Manager +49 8544 960 110 +49 8544 960 130 [email protected] Four models: recoStar PET FG, recoStar PET FG+, recoStar PET iV+, recoStar PET iV+ Superior Starlinger offers the engineering of washing lines and / or a turn-key project with components and technologies available in the market Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA < 1ppm, lowest VOC level) 6,000-26,000t/a rPET pellets Depending on design Several USA/FDA (C-H), Austria, Germany/BfR, Ilsi, France/AFFSSA, Finland, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, several Latin American Countries; follows EFSA requiremens; several brand owners Depending on design Depending on design Four models: recoStar PET FG, recoStar PET FG+, recoStar PET iV+, recoStar PET iV+ Superior Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA <1ppm, lowest VOC level) 1,500 t/a-26,000 t/a (6 extruder sizes) 130 - 540 Several USA/FDA (C-H), Austria, Germany/BfR, Ilsi, France/AFFSSA, Finland, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, several Latin American Countries; follows EFSA requiremens; several brand owners Approx. 0.15 Approx. 410 (depending on design) Starlinger offers the engineering of washing lines and / or a turn-key project with components and technologies available in the market Deposit, curbside, MRF/PRF-collection, loose or baled, all kind of colours, other plastics, other contaminations Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA <1ppm, lowest VOC level) Flakes with/without approval: PET flakes with approval (FDA, EFSA) 3,700-10,500 (5 sizes) 1t/h up to 6t/h Approx. 150 1,000-2,000 FDA (hot-fill), follows EFSA requirements FDA, EFSA, brand-approvals Different water circulation & treatment systems, from 1-0.1 fresh water (zero discharge) 120-250 (incl. bottle washing to SSP) 200-250 sorting, grinding & washing line total Caustic soda, detergent from various brands. The quantity of detergent depends on the brand, approx. 0.5-1l/t Total removal of residual organics on flakes, filtration of water 0.015μm possible 45-60 minutes, continuous fall system Yes Yes Yes