Insider 12 / 2018

Trade Show review PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 12/18 42 Petra Westphal, Exhibition Group Director for Messe München, on DTI India and FDT Africa exhibitions “Large emerging markets with great potential” PETplanet: In the drinks sector, how would you describe the local trade fair situation and the need for events in India and southern Africa? Westphal: I think this can be shown very clearly by the numbers from the last events: 111 national and international companies (2016: 86) and around 1,600 participants (2016: 1,550) from 81 countries took part in Food & Drink Technology (FDT) Africa. At Drink Technology India (DTI), we likewise had an increase in the number of exhibitors: 201 exhibi- tors (2016: 146) from 17 countries showcased their products and solu- tions and occupied around 23% more net exhibition space than at the last trade fair in Mumbai. Visitor numbers remained at the same very high level as at the last event in Mumbai. We are extremely delighted with the unabated interest in the trade fairs and see this as a clear endorsement of the focus and design of our events. PETplanet: In your view, why is a DTI/FDT Africa important? Westphal: India and South Africa, these are large emerging markets with great potential. As organiser of Drink- tec, the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry, we want to offer precisely suited local platforms for the sector. Our impetus was to bring the expertise of Drink- tec exhibitors into these emerging markets – and even to combine this with local sector expertise. Connect- ing global and local expertise provides inspiration for the entire industry; ‘learning from one another’ creates exchange and networking opportuni- ties. This perfects the range of ser- vices and makes the local events into tailored platforms. PETplanet: What are the signifi- cant changes since the last DTI/FDT Africa? Westphal: Actually, we have sev- eral special features planned for 2019. Firstly, DTI is taking place twice. The trade fair will take place in Bangalore in spring and in New Delhi in Decem- ber. Secondly, FDT Africa is taking place in July and for the first time will be a co-location event together with analytica Lab Africa (International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diag- nostics) and IFAT Africa (International Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Refuse and Recycling). PETplanet: Let’s begin with India. What led to the decision to hold DTI twice next year? Westphal: India is an enormous country! Each region works differently, and the drinks sector accordingly has different requirements. To do this jus- tice, there is a yearly rotation. In even years, Mumbai is the meeting point for the sector; in odd years, we decided to hold the trade fair in Bangalore and in New Delhi. With this approach, we reach more targeted visitor groups in the individual regions. PETplanet: Are there differences in content, depending on the event location? Westphal: As regards the attend- ance of the individual sectors in the regions, the focus is on different seg- ments. In the metropolis region of New Delhi, the focus is on beer, soft drinks and dairy products. Bangalore deals more with juices, beer, spirits, wine and liquid food. Mumbai is the international hub for the drinks and liquid food industry. There, visitors see innovations in the fields of manufac- turing, filling and packaging of drinks of all types, as well as liquid food and dairy products, oils and fats.