Insider 12 / 2018
PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 12/18 43 Trade Show review PETplanet: And now Africa: Why the decision to hold FDT Africa along- side the two other trade fairs? Westphal: With the new concept of holding analytica Lab Africa, FDT Africa and IFAT Africa in parallel, we are creating a common platform for exhibitors and visitors to gather cross- topic information about trends and innovations from the analysis, drinks, foods and environment industries. The combination of three trade fairs offers tailored and cross-sector solu- tions and therefore added value on all sides. PETplanet: Do you have a con- crete example of how the three events create added value for exhibitors and visitors? Westphal: Yes, let’s take water as an example: the food and drink sector in southern Africa relies on a compre- hensive and robust water provision and processing system. One of the most important topics at FDT Africa is the efficient use of water, whether as a raw material, as process water or for cleaning facilities and machines. This interconnects with IFAT Africa, which illuminates the issues around water in all its facets, including drink- ing water production, preparation of process water and treatment of waste water. Accordingly, an important role is played here by analysis and quality control. At analytica Lab Africa, visi- tors can see solutions for taking sam- ples, for different analysis methods and for assessment procedures. PETplanet: How would you describe growth in the drinks sector in general and the development for investment goods for drinks and pack- aging producers in Africa and India? Westphal: I’ll start with India: according to VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Associa- tion, the demand for drinks is set to increase by 89% by 2022. Local drinks production rose in the period from 2012 to 2017 by 63% and further growth of around 9% is expected in the coming years. The growing pro- duction is reflected accordingly in an increasing demand for processing and packaging machinery. This makes India one of the most important sales markets in Asia for companies that produce machinery for manufacturing, processing and packaging drinks and liquid food products. In South Africa too, the market is developing dramatically. It is interest- ing that there, consumption behav- iours are changing, and consumers are reaching increasingly for modern processed and packaged drinks, liquid food and foods. This trend is aris- ing from increasing urbanisation and a very young but growing population with an average age of 27. According to VDMA, the demand for packaged food is to increase by 11% by 2022. Also according to VDMA information, drinks sales should increase by around 18% by 2022. In turn, this stimulates an increasing need for modern manu- facturing, processing and packag- ing machinery. So in coming years, South Africa will continue to offer great potential for international companies to supply food and packaging machinery. PETplanet: To what extent is the omnipresent topic of PET recycling brought further into focus and how is the industry responding? Westphal: PET and PET recy- cling is already a major issue in these countries, and it will increase in importance in the future. PET is the most widely used packaging mate- rial. Accordingly, in India and South Africa, recycling, PET from renewable resources, bottle-to-bottle recycling and biodegradable materials are hot topics in the industry. We see this at trade fairs too, particularly through the great interest in fringe events about this sector. PETplanet: Which other markets in Africa and among India and its neighbouring countries currently direct their attention to FDT Africa and DTI but could in future become new inter- national locations for drinktec? Westphal: Currently, we are well- placed for the regions with our loca- tions in Johannesburg in South Africa and Mumbai, New Delhi and Banga- lore in India. In addition to these is China Brew China Beverage in Shanghai, China. Basically, we keep an eye on market trends and respond accordingly after consultation with the industry. It is entirely possible that there will be additions to the Drinktec family. PETplanet: Thank you very much!