Insider 03 / 2019

MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 20 No. 03/19 03/2019 MARKET survey Resins & additives  Preform machinery Preform production & inspection Preform & SBM mould manufacturer SBM 2 stage Compressors Filling equipment & inspection Caps & closures & inspection Palletising & shrink film machinery Recycling Suppliers of preform machinery In this issue we are proud to present our readers the very new developments in preform machinery. Please have a lock at the new cavity numbers, preform weight or the special features! These are the companies participating in this survey: Sacmi Imola, Sipa S.p.A., Netstal-Maschinen AG, Otto Systems AG, Husky Injec- tion Molding Systems Ltd and Unique Injection Molding Systems. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey are up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. Company name Sipa S.p.A. Netstal-Maschinen AG Husky Injection Molding Ltd Unique Injection Molding Systems Co., Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto +39 0438 911 511 Mr Stefano Baldassar Sales Director, Preform Systems & Tooling +39 0438 911 511 +39 0438 912 273 [email protected] Tschachenstrasse 8752 Näfels, Switzerland +41 55 618 6111 Mr Stefan Kleinfeld Application & Product Manager +41 55 618 6241 +41 55 618 6605 [email protected] 500 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 5S5, Canada +1 905 951 5000 Mr Glenn Chessel +1 905 951 5000 [email protected] No. 19 Shenzhou Road, HuangPu District,GZ, China +86 20 8226 5488 +150 187 91820 +86 20 8226 5673 [email protected] Preform injection moulding systems Machine model number / name XForm 350 XForm 500 XTreme 72 XTreme 96 PET-Line 2400, PET-Line 4000, PET-Line 5000; PET- Line 2C; PETForm 175 HyPET, HyPET HPP U-PET 500E 5000/8000 Number of cavities (min/max units) 8/128 8/180 72 96 32 - 144 Up to 160 Min 2 -144 cavities Max. individual preform weight (g) 750 750 60 60 Max shot weight 6,600 Not disclosed 38 to ~100 Max. resin through-put (kg/h of PET) 1,350 1,350 1,000 1,350 Up to 1,350 Not disclosed 1,100 Standard features (short description / keywords) XForm: available in GEN3 or GEN4 XP version (lower energy consumption, faster cycle time, redesigned HMI); XTreme: injection- compression technology, ultra-thin wall capability, 2 preforms can be pro- duced simultaneously Intrusion Clamping unit, injection unit, Siemens PLC closed loop control, hydraulic system, robot unit, remote supervision, turn-key engineering, hydraulic system Options / Special features (short description/keywords) XForm GEN4 XP: XP technology, LongLife tooling coating, XMold for ultra-thin preform injection capability, wide-mouth preforms capability; XTreme: built-in inspec- tion system for 100% quality check, 100% recyled flakes processing capaibility, direct connec- tion with Xtra SBM CPP = "Controlled Production shutdown during a Power outage"; NRS = Netstal remote Support, Energy Measurement Calitec Self cleaning Mould alignment Dynamic injection, compression injections