Insider 03 / 2019
42 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Vol. 20 No. 03/19 Cradle-to-Cradle kegs Additional fittings for KeyKeg and UniKeg, global expan- sion of their production facilities and a clever tool for the home market are just some of the examples of innovations highlighted at Brau Beviale by Lightweight Containers. The UniKeg range of products is already available with Sankey-D and Sankey-S fittings. Lightweight Containers is now adding a non-alcoholic fitting to the KeyKeg and UniKeg as well as other fittings for the UniKeg. An A type fitting is coming soon. Annemieke Hartman (CCO) says “As you are aware, the market demand for lightweight kegs continues to grow. To support the demand of our customers and to grow our global presence, we need to expand. To be effectively able to do so we have just opened and are building state-of-the-art production facilities in Seaham, UK (2018), near Madrid, Spain (2019) and a location yet to be determined in Italy (2019/2020). Besides that, a number of other locations are under consideration in the short term.” To make drinks in keg avail- able for everybody, the company has searched for an option to make home use possible. For the keg to be relevant in the home market they needed to reduce the entry barriers, which, in practice, meant they needed to eliminate complex, expensive dispens- ing systems. For that reason Lightweight Containers have introduced the manual dispenser. Using re-used plastic KeyKeg started to re-use plastics to create their griprings and base cups, made of 100% post-consumer recyclate. Today, KeyKegs are collected with the aim of creating new KeyKegs. For this reason, Lightweight Containers set up the OneCir- cle company, who were already involved in the collection of kegs used at festivals. The company has created fully operational collection networks in the Neth- erlands, Belgium, France and the UK, with programmes ready to roll out in the USA and Asia. In other markets such as Japan, the KeyKeg and UniKeg are processed by the local waste streams in accordance with local regulations. Bianca Hofland, Senior Business Creator Marketing & Public Relations Lightweight Containers and Brett PA Lamont, OneCircle