Insider 03 / 2019

PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 03/19 47 BOTTLES Home + Personal Care A bottle made from 100% recycled plastic Frosch, a brand of Werner and Mertz, has been investing in environ- mental products derived from sustain- able, natural active ingredients since the mid-1980s and has increased the proportion of recycled plastic in some of its products to 100%. For example, the cap on the dishwasher detergent, “Frosch for clean seas”, is made from 100% recycled PP, while the bottle consists of 100% recycled PET. The bluish-coloured product itself is free of micro-plastics. A recommended dose is given according to how dirty the dishes are. The concentrate is dispensed by means of a push-pull lid, while the sleeve label has transparent windows and lettering. New scents for washing-up liquid The manufacturer of washing-up liquids for doing dishes by hand is bringing several differ- ent scent variants of its known product onto the market in quick succes- sion. For example, the German discount phar- macy chain dm has put on sale two washing-up liquids, an ultra washing-up liquid “Botanic Dream” and “Nordic Berry”, which is particularly kind to skin. The drop-shaped, clear bottles hold 500 ml and have a screwed on, colour- matched push-pull cap and two shaped, self-adhesive labels. Shower creme with cola Shower cream that smells like cola is being sold by German manufacturer Vendoleo GmbH under the brand name “treaclemoon” in a stable, transparent bottle holding 500ml. The dark product “funny cola sparkle” is easy to recognise and is easy to dispense via a red screw seal with a hinged cap. According to the manufacturer, the shower cream provides plenty of fine foam. Alongside the amusing manufacturer instructions for application and effect, there is also a note that the product, which smells like a food, should not be drunk and should be kept away from children. “Nightly Reset” mouthwash The Johnson & Johnson brand Listerine is selling a mouthwash for daily use that is also effective overnight in a slim, contoured, clear bottle holding 400ml. In the contoured area, the bottle is shaped with “corners”. Two shaped self-adhesive labels emphasise the bottle shape and provide consumer infor- mation. The product, which remineralises tooth enamel, prevents the build-up of tartar and freshens breath, is dispensed via a childproof screw seal with dosing function and a shrink-wrap label, which provides a tamper-evident seal. PET bottles