Insider 04 / 2019

MARKET SURVEY 34 PETplanet Insider Vol. 20 No. 04/19 Preforms Company name PDG Plastiques PET-Verpackungen GmbH Deutschland Chemco Plastic Industries PVT. LTD. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail ZI secteur 2 45330 Malesherbes, France +33 2 3834 6195 Mr Francois Desfretier General Manager +33 2 3834 6195 [email protected] Gewerbegebiet 4 98701 Großbreitenbach, Germany +49 36781 48044 00 Mr Hubert Rebhan Business Development/Key Account +49 36781 48044 52 [email protected] 1412, 14th Floor, Maker Chamber 5, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021, India +91 2222 821 777 Mr Vaibhav Saraogi Managing Director +91 2222 821 777 [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) No Yes Yes PEN prefoms (Yes/No) No Upon request Upon request Preforms in alternative materials (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? BioPET - PP Upon request Upon request Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Yes up to 100% Up to 100% 1 - 100% List of additives available Prelactia 100% light barrier for UHT sterilised long shelf-life milk, oxygen, UV, CO 2 barriers, coloured preforms, preblow and Mint-Tec technology Colours, oxygen scavengers, UV-blockers, slip- agents, AA-scavengers, brighteners, PA-based barriers All, as per customer’s requirements Preform range 29/25 shorty: 8-10.5-11.7-18.7-21- 22-23-23.5-24.5-28g; 30/25 high: 17.5-24.5-26-28-31-33-36-39-50g; 30/25 low: 17.5-24.5-26-28-31-33-36-39-50g; 38mm 3 start: 28-33.5-35-44-50g; Prelactia 38mm 3 start: 17-24-28-38g; 48/40: 47-55-62g; 27/32: 6.5g dairy and smoothies; 25/20: 6.5-8g dairy; 29/23: 24-27-33g chemical; PCO 1810: 20-33.6g; PCO 1881: 18.5-30-32-36.5g; ultra-lightweighting 2.4g preform; BVS 30H60: 50g wine (high oxygen barrier); 22H30: 19g Wine (high oxygen barrier) Complete range of preforms with 28mm PCO1810 and PCO1881 finish from 14.5g (e.g. for 0.25l bottles) up to 54g (e.g. for 2.0l bottles); for PETcycle custom- ers in the German market, preforms with 28mm PCO1810 and PCO1881. The product range includes 38mm 2-Start and 3-Start Bericap preforms for wide mouth applications and 29-21 finish for flip top caps. Preforms for hotfill applications are available in a range from 23g up to 45g. For large containers 60g, 92g and 98g preforms with Bericap 48-41 are as well available as customised preforms with weights up to 481g. If the product requires enhanced barrier protec- tion, the majority of the preforms are also available as multilayer with tailor-made barrier properties. Preforms for water, oil, dairy, CSD, 5,10- 20l, wide mouth preforms Chemco has an extensive range of pre- forms manufactured on Husky machines. Producing more than 3 billion preforms annually. Chemco has eight FSSC certi- fied manufacturing facilities (6 in India, 2 in the Middle East). Inspections Company name Agr International Inc. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail 615 Whitestown Road Butler, PA, USA +1 724 482 2163 Ms Karen Marcellus Marketing Coordinator +1 724 482 2163 [email protected] Preform inspection systems Pilot Vision (in blowmoulder system) Gawis OD Inspection speed Up to 100,000bph 45 preform/hour depending on measurements Inspected parameters: Geometry / Body Length, body diameters, lean; contamination, opaque spots (black spots), unmelts, bubbles/ blisters, burn marks, water spots, streaks Unlimited number of body diameters and wall thickness measurements, plus length, thick- ness accuracy to +/- 0.01mm Thread area No T, E, A, NR, H, L/D, ovality Mouth / Sealing surface No No Gate / Dome No No Colour No No Cavity number No No Measurement of absence or presence of barrier material No No Layer thickness & position measure- ment at distinctive points No Comprehensive thickness (monolayer) at any location over preform sidewall Layer thickness & position measure- ment at the complete body by scanning No No Features: Installation: Stand-alone No Yes Installation: Inline Yes · Side camera for cavity recognition · Methode: destructive/non destructive Non destructive Non destructive · Data base connection Industry standard Industry standard