Insider 04 / 2019
PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 04/19 55 BOTTLES Smoothie for Valentine’s Day Around Valentine’s Day and for just a short pe r i od , t he Ge rman discount retailer Aldi Süd was selling various Smoothies, including strawberry-banana and apple-raspberry, under its own brand “rio d’oro” and the additional name “Schmusi”. The trans- parent bottles contained 250ml and were sealed with a screw seal with guarantee band. The sleeve labels were printed appropriately for the occa- sion with hearts and but- terflies. Plant drinks from Innocent Following on from fruits and vegetables, the newest smoothie idea has recently come onto the market. Innocent has brought three plant drinks in the varieties of Almond, Oat and Hazelnut & Rice onto chiller shelves. Alongside the named ingredients, they contain only spring water and a little sea salt. There are no additives, stabilisers or addi- tional sweeteners. The stable bottles contain 750ml and consists of at least 30% recycled PET. The transparent labels provide instructions on how the individual drinks can be enjoyed as additions to tea or coffee, on muesli, in cake or pancake batter or simply as a drink. Label and freshness seal are colour-matched with one another. 10 -11 April 2019 Organisers Event supporters established 1987 CONTACT: Matt Barber |
[email protected] This free to attend conference and e [KLELWLRQ KDV ƓUPO\ HVWDEOLVKHG LWVHO f DV WKH IRFDO SRLQW R f SODVWLFV r HF\FOLQJ LQ (X r RSH . A ORQJ ZLWK WKHVH FDQōW PLVV VSHDNHUV t KH ELJJHVW QDPHV LQ r HF\FOHG PDWHULDOV r HF\FOLQJ PDFKLQHU\ DQG VHUYLFHV ZLOO EH RQ GLVSOD\ . KARLHEINZ HAUSMANN Global TS&D Fellow Dow Europe GmbH THORSTEN LEOPOLD Head of International Packaging Development Home Care Henkel AG & Co. KGaA GIAN DE BELDER Principal Scientist - Packaging R&D Procter & Gamble