Insider 05 / 2019

COMPRESSORS PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 05/19 25 COMPRESSORS 25 Giovanni Brignoli , Compressors Division Food & Beverage Product Leader, Siad Macchine Impianti S.p.A.: We completely see this potential and, to exploit it, the customers need to be more and more informed and educated about all the different means of reducing energy consumption. Indeed we, normally, suggest and provide the basic step to reach such a target, which is the Energy Audit. Sometimes the improvements that need to be carried out are really simple: for example, defining the right priority for compressor usage represents the basic step to exploit the compressor network in an efficient way. In other cases, tangible energy saving results can be achieved by adopting a dedicated control system that can automatically manage the com- pressor’s operational parameters in function of the air request, or simply by installing a VSD (Variable Speed Drive), thanks to a simple retro-fit. Our offer for the optimal management of energy is called “Energy Saving Pack” (ESP): from the initial assessment, provided by the energy audit, we are able to suggest to our customers the best way to manage their specific requirements related to power savings, using one (or more) of the solutions defined above. Last but not least: the customers today are also interested in receiving a proposal for a global saving, related to their whole plant installation, and not just limited to the power consumed by air compressors. Again, we are able to suggest and obtain energy consumption reductions even in this field, by exploiting the thermal energy of the hot water coming from the compressor’s cooling water circuit, energy which can be re-used for different purposes, such as feeding the factory’s heating system. Gonzalo Gabarain , Sales & Marketing Manager, Arizaga, Bastarrica y Cía, SA (ABC): One of them is again the VSD. Some customers don’t know all the potential they have with the VSD and keep it just to avoid the pick of the start-up, but they don’t regulate. We are now trying to be more “consultants” in order to help them saving energy. Another one which in most cases unused is the HRS (Heat Recovery System). Thanks to our superb large intercoolers, we can recover hot water at around 80-90 ºC that mean around 50% of the energy consumption. This hot water can be used for the plant heating, showers, plant clean- ing, etc. However, we realise that many customers have requested it, have it installed but remains unused. We are also working on this to give them a solu- tion for them to be something more easily useful.