Insider 05 / 2019

MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 20 No. 05/19 MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG Wentworth Mold, Electra Form Ind. Otto Hofstetter AG GDXL Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7, 65239 Hochheim/Main, Germany +49 6146 906 0 Mr Carsten Lurz Vice President Sales, Service, Marketing +49 6146 906 0 852 Scholz Dr. Vandalia OH 45377, USA +1 937 898 8460 Mr Brian Karns V.P. & G.M. +1 937 475 5189 [email protected] Zürcherstrasse 73, 8730 Uznach, Switzerland +41 55 285 22 11 Mr Stefan Zatti Division Manager Sales & Marketing +41 55 285 22 09 [email protected] No. 18 Changjiang Road, Guicheng, Nanhai, Foshan city, Guangdong Province, China. Postcode: 528251 +86 757 8677 7168 Mr Billy Ay Marketing Specialist +86 757 8677 7168 [email protected] 2 to 192 cavities 2 cavity up to 72 cavity 2 up to 192 From 32 to 144 cavities up to 700g, for bottles up to 30l 9g up to 350g Up to 500g Various neck finish standards including 1810, 1881, 30/25, 29/25, 26/22, 38mm, etc. Preform size ranges from pharmaceutical/cosmetic bottle to 5-gallon keg applications (approx. weight from 3.5g to 750g) Netstal, Husky, Sacmi, Demark, Engel, Arburg, Cincinnati, SIG, BMB, Sumitomo, Unique Husky, Niigon, Netstal, Milacron, others Netstal, Arburg, BMB, Husky More than 35,000 cavities have been fabricated and applied to various reowned injection machines for applications including beverages, food, home and personal care products. 2 to 112 cavities 16 cavity up to 32 cavity 2 up to 112 From 16 to 96 cavities up to 600g, for bottles up to 30l 24g up to 66g up to 500g Various neck finish standards including 1810, 1881, 30/25, 29/25, 26/22, 38mm, etc. Preform weight up to 69g KraussMaffei Krauss Maffei Arburg, Krauss-Maffei More than 2,000 cavities have been fabricated and applied to various reowned injection machines for applications including beverages, food, home and personal care products. No No No Wide mouth, up to 5 gallon, trigger moulds, moulds for vacuum blood test tubes - Multilayer moulds up to 72 cavities - Moulds for PP - Moulds for thinwall packaging - Moulds for cartridges and tubes Sidel Krones AG GDXL Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. Kiefer Werkzeugbau GmbH P.E.T. Engineering S.r.l. Avenue de la Patrouille de France, 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer, France +33 232 8586 87 Mr Guillaume Leroux Moulds and Line Conversion Product Manager [email protected] Böhmerwaldstrasse 5 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 Mr Moritz Vowe SA LCS Retrofits and Products +49 9401 70 5250 [email protected] No. 18 Changjiang Road, Guicheng, Nanhai, Foshan city, Guangdong Province, China. Postcode: 528251 +86 757 8677 7168 Mr Billy Ay Marketing Specialist +86 757 8677 7168 [email protected] Steinhäldenstraße 11, 74193 Schwaigern, Germany +49 7138 9732 0 Mr Maik Weber Sales & Project Manager +49 7138 9732 70 [email protected] Via Celtica 26/28, Zona Industriale Ungheresca Sud, 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy +39 0438 403 069 Ms Elisa Zanellato Marketing & Communication Manager +39 0438403069 [email protected] 5 5 5 30 10 To beverages, food, home care and personal care products manu- facturers, as well as to converters (bottles manufacturers) Yes, Krones, Kosme, Sidel, Sipa, KHS (SIG) Corpoplast etc. Yes, various bottlers which supply bottles to bever- age brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Danone, Nongfu Spring, etc. Kosme, Krones, Sipa, Sidel, ADS, Sacmi, KHS, Bekum, TetraPak, Side, SMI, MAG No Moulds retrofit/modification, repair and refurbishment Yes Yes, we supply moulds applicable to various renowned brands of SBM machines Yes Yes Brand design, creative packaging design, technical packaging design, packaging validation for industrialisation, bottle sampling, product and package interaction evaluation, packaging audit Yes Design bottles according to customers' requirements on technical performance and market appeal Yes Yes Aluminium and stainless steel moulds for rotative and linear blowing machines. Five mould shops located worldwide: France (Octeville-sur-mer), China (Shanghai), US (Atlanta), Mexico (Guadalajara), India (Pune) Bottle development customised to filling and packaging lines with performance commitments; preform-/bottle light weighting for standard- and heat-set process; low blowing pressure mould design; "Mould quick change" systems; automated mould change-over systems Bottle design optimisation for light-weighting, optimised CSD base, etc. Lightweight design, special design for functional drinks, juices, oil and vinegar, household chemistry, dairy products, cosmetic industry, petrochemical industry