Insider 05 / 2019
COMPRESSORS 33 PET planet Insider Vol. 20 KRONES Recycling Solutions #GermanBlingBling #KronesMetaPure We do more. PROPAK ASIA 2019 Bangkok, 12 – 15 June Hall 103, Stand BR01 compression system will automati- cally reduce or stop the first stage inspiratory volume, thereby reducing energy consumption. Constant pressure Constant pressure control mode currently standard in the air com- pressor market is constant pressure control: a PLC (programmable logic control) adjusts the compressor speed according to the pressure value, to achieve a constant outlet and supply air pressure. Nanjing Shangair has also developed a smart flow control: the air compres- sor is equipped with a flow meter and the PLC adjusts the air production capacity of the compressor to more accurately meet demand. This dual mode control has helped to improve energy saving. Nanjing Shangair says that its M-type symmet- ric balanced water-cooled oil-free air compressor has quickly gained a leading role in its market because of its reliability and supe- rior energy performance. The company’s after-sales service that uses advanced IoT (Internet of Things) technology to help custom- ers to monitor machinery performance 24 hours/ day. Data is analysed in real time, to help improve equipment performance and maintenance. Abnormalities are notified to customers immediately; energy con- sumption is calculated and maintenance reminders are generated automatically. Interface of Shangair's DCC system