Insider 05 / 2019

PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 05/19 46 PET bottles Beverage + Liquid Food A healthy shot of ginger juice In what proved to be a short promotion campaign, Aldi South sold an apple and lemon juice called “Ginger Shot” under its “rio d’oro” brand. This was an enjoyable, healthy beverage with 35% ginger content which could be drunk between meals. The clear, refrigerated 150ml bottle had a reasonably sized spout with screw cap and tamper-proof strip. A surround glossy film label provided all the relevant product information. Vöslauer with less sugar The on-going debate about the amount of sugar that is added to food can be heard in almost every sector these days. The beverage manufacturer, Vöslauer Mineral Water Ltd, is promot- ing its “Balance Juicy Lemon” soft drink on a label highlighting the fact that the product contains “only 13 calories per 100ml”. It also has an adhesive sticker that includes the words “significantly reduced sugar content (30% less)”. The drink comes in a clear 0.75 l bottle and has a smooth surface around the label area. It has a screw cap with tamper- proof strip and vertical grooves on the outside of the bottle for easy handling. bio PAC bioplastics MAGAZINE presents: Conference on Biobased Packaging 28 - 29 May 2019 - Düsseldorf, Germany Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsors Coorganized by supported by #biopac Media Partner 1 st Media Partner TECHNICALMAGAZINE -ARGENTINA Editorial EmmaFiorentino