Insider 06 / 2019

JUBILEE PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 06/19 31 solutions that offer premium appear- ance while complying with ecological requirements. At CCL’s state-of-the-art laborato- ries engineers develop solutions that fit all packaging requirements brands face. Well-proven technologies such as WashOff and EcoStream have made their way onto the market very successfully over the past years ena- bling ecological solutions that are not only sustainable but premium. WashOff labels are removed during the standard bottle washing process and are therefore the ideal solution for returnable glass bottles. The EcoStream technology enables easy separation of PET bottles and labels ensuring 100% of the PET flakes can be reused. PETplanet: Which labels are experiencing the biggest increases in the PET bottle sector? Heinicke: Ever since the first pro- ject a few years ago the EcoStream technology continues its extraordi- nary success story. More and more global brands from water, soft drink and ready-to-drink segments are all relying on the ground-breaking solu- tion that enables true bottle-to-bottle recycling. Thanks to its sophisticated functionality the PET bottles can be fully recycled. The decision to go from the cur- rent familiar decoration to a whole new construction is not easily made for brand owners. Consumers recog- nise and are accustomed to the exist- ing packaging. To retain that value of brand awareness CCL Label develops label solutions that take into account all aims and concerns – permitting a smooth transition while taking a huge step towards greener packaging. PETplanet: Individualisation is considered a megatrend which is developing its impact globally. Broken down to the product bottle, one expected huge increases in personal- ised marketing campaigns, for which digital printing is ideally suited. What do you expect from this technology in the future? Heinicke: The list of successful personalisation promotions is impres- sive and with the new possibilities it will continue to grow. Nowadays, each product can be outfitted with an individual design and variable data can be integrated easily. Mosaic software allows personalisa- tion of any print run with images, text and designs for maximum impact. It automatically generates hundreds, thousands and even millions of unique graphics. Thanks to CCL’s digital hybrid technology varnishes can be inte- grated allowing individually applied special effects for example with fluo- rescent ink on each label or sleeve. PETplanet: Thank you very much! Damstraat 4 | B-9230 Wetteren | T +32 (0) 9 365 7474 w w w . r e s i l u x . c o m | s a l e s @ r e s i l u x . c o m BARRIER, HOTFILL, REFILL, MONOLAYER, LARGE CONTAINERS, PET PREFORMS & BOTTLES