Insider 06 / 2019

BOTTLE MAKING 57 PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 06/19 asked SMI to study a lighter, more eco-sustainable, 5 l container. Keeping the the look almost unchanged, the SMI designers “down- sizing” the bottle to create a lighter con- tainer dropping from a total weight of 96.5g to 72g. They added some expe- dients that will allow it to be reduced further to 64g. Compared to the original version, the neck has been modified dropping from 48 to 38mm without changing the original shape, the base, the shoulders and the decoration. Bottles to protect and store Product quality is an essential ele- ment for the success of Tsitsikamma COME VISIT OUR BOOTH AT K-SHOW 2019 11B40 DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY 16–23 OCTOBER, 2019 AGRINTL.COM +1.724.482.2163 [email protected] REDUCE ENERGY COSTS Agr’s patented closed-loop blowmolder control technology allows you to optimize blowmolder operation, saving energy DQG VWLOO SURGXFH FRQVLVWHQW KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH 3(7 ERWWOHV PROCESS PILOT ® Crystal Spring Water, therefore, the use of containers that protect and store the purity of the bottled water is a funda- mental requirement of their activity. To bottle, store and market the water from their springs, the South African com- pany uses bottles in PET. It is rigor- ously tested according to guide lines from the “Food and Drug Administration (FDA)”, the American governing body that controls food and pharmaceutical regulations. Solutions for Tsitsikamma To satisfy market demand for water bottled in large containers (5 litres), the company invested in a new integrated system from the Ecobloc Ergon HC EV range supplied by SMI to produce, fill and cap high capacity containers in PET, in shapes that vary from the most simple to the most innovative and complex. Stretch blow mould- ing, filling and capping of the 5 l PET containers with natural mineral water happens at a production capacity of up to 3,600bph. The SMI system is known for integrating the stretch blow- moulding, filling and capping in a single machine, by offering economic advan- tages as it does not require a rinser nor conveyors between blower and filler and accumulation; electronic opera- tional control, motorised stretch rods, and the use of high efficiency valves controlled by flowmeters; the stretch- blow moulding module is equipped with a counter pressure air system that reduces energy costs caused by producing high pressure compressed air; energy efficiency, thanks to the IR lamps mounted on the preform heater module; low costs for maintenance and installation management. John Faul, Director of the Tsitsikamma Water Plant and Doug Woodgate, Owner of Tsitsikamma Water (from left) Tsitsikamma Crystal Spring Water has its head office in the town of Witelsbos, 150 km west of Port Elisabeth.