Insider 06 / 2019
JUBILEE PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 06/19 64 To our friends of PETplanet On the occasion of our 20 years jubilee, we would like to say thank you to our trusted friends and clients who accompany and support our journey through the world of PET! The logos below are representative of companies big and small along the PET value chain whose ideas, solutions and expertise are the meat and drink of our daily business. A big thank you goes also to our partners from media, trade shows and conferences, and of course to you, our readers! Last but not least we would like to thank the people who work hard to ensure that PETplanet Insider is always produced on time and in the quality we all cherish: Our freelance editors Ruari McCallion and Anthony Withers and our translation partners Anglia Translations Ltd who always find the right words; our graphic designer Matthias Gaumann from Exprim for his patience, creativity and accuracy; our roving reporter Michael Maruschke for his willingness to jump on the Editourmobil to report from all parts of the world; our bottles and patents expert Torsten Kücherer; “Mrs PETplanet Pulse” Sabine Flachsmann; and our trustworthy printing house Chroma Druck! Thank you to all of you! Blow Molds & More IT’S ALL ABOUT CAPS - in ^ŝŶŐůĞ ^ƚĂŐĞ DŽůĚƐ $FPH 'ULQNWHF 6ROXWLRQV