Insider 06 / 2019
TRADE SHOW REVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 06/19 67 developing in the in-house and indus- trial sector. Both the Erema solutions and the shredder-extruder solutions of the group subsidiary Pure Loop were able to increase their turnover yet again. The expansion of the in-house product range thanks to participation in Plasmac, Vacunite and also the newly-created Keycycle business unit as a provider of complete solutions for plastics recycling, are current exam- ples of new products and innovations. “We thrive on proximity to our custom- ers. This enables us to understand their challenges and develop appropri- ate solutions,” says Michael Heitz- inger, Managing Director of Erema GmbH, one of the recipes for success of the world market leader. Under the slogan “Materially differ- ent with exceptional results”, Tomra Sorting Recycling took the opportu- nity to launch the new Innosort Flake. The new model combines both colour and material sorting through NIR tech- nology. The PET flake sorting sensor solution is equipped with the unique combination of RGB cameras and NIR sensors from Tomra. Tomra’s Autosort Flake is the first to successfully and simultaneously combine detection of colour, enhanced material informa- tion and metal objects. Regardless of grain size, this model sorts all types of polymers with the highest purity. Both effective systems optimise flake sorting applications and minimal downtime. The secret of Tomra´s great accuracy is its patented Flying Beam technology. Through its continuous calibration feature, customers can monitor and optimise the performance of their operations on a real time basis. This means increased stabil- ity and less downtime while achieving constant high-quality yield. Addition- ally, new and accurate lighting tech- nology results in up to 70% energy savings and decreases the operating costs. The Fourline technology, high speed, high precision NIR sensors allow resolution up to 2mm, minimis- ing the loss of valuable product yield and leading to higher product recov- ery, ensuring greater profitability of the product output. Gerry McGarry, Managing Director of RPC bpi Recycled Products sum- marised, “PRSE is a great platform to bring all the stakeholders across the value chain together in one venue to share ideas and start collabora- tive projects - if increasing recycled content in your packaging and your products is a key objective for your organisation, attending PRSE is a great starting point to make those ini- tial connections.”