Insider 07+08 / 2019

BOTTLING / FILLING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 07+08/19 19 BOTTLING / FILLING 19 glass bottle. This means the trans- portation of our products results in less green house gases (CO 2 emissions). And the production in glass would also have been much more expensive. For example the mould costs of PET were much more attractive.” The preforms are supplied by a small local manufac- turer and additionally by Resilux. Black Fly bottles are strong and unbreakable, making these bottles a safe choice in environments where broken glass poses a problem, explains Rob. Recycable The bottles are also much easier to break down during recycling requiring less energy to shred PET then to melt glass. Black Fly’s single use bottles are not necessarily single use. The bottles actually have a much longer life span as recycled materials then as Black Fly bottles. The deposit programs implemented by their retail partners ensures a high rate of customer return and therefore recycling than other bot- tles and plastics that have no return monetary value to consumers. Black Fly bottles work their way through The Beer Store’s recycling system in Ontario, ending up at a Canadian recycling business where they are then sold to companies that make car parts, clothing and other plastics. Reduced corrugate Reduced packaging designs: Black Fly’s 4 pack carriers were designed to reduced packaging using the least amount of cor- rugate possible while remain- ing compliant with industry packaging standards for crush testing and tamperproof pack- aging. The open sided carriers allow consumers to easily see the products, while providing a sturdy consumer carry- ing container. Black Fly uses less corrugate then traditional top-open and closed contain- ers. Black Fly 4-packs have a unique locking design which utilises a glue-less closure system. Black Fly’s team is com- mitted to reducing waste at all levels, from staff sorting and recycling any business materials that do not have bins within their industrial area, to larger initiatives that involve large recycling companies. Bottles, corrugate and ship- ping containers at Black Fly are all recyclable after use. Black Fly uses a local recy- cling business to support its programs, and commends its staff for initiating and commit- ting to these green programs. We thank Rob for an interesting presentation of his unique company. Visit us: In addition to quality closures, BERICAP provides capping equipment and unique customer and technical service, globally. Experience from global business New product introduction Line / capping efficiency improvement Training for customers Troubleshooting on site (capper) Technical Service An advantage of PET: non-breakable, resealable bottles