Insider 07+08 / 2019

BOTTLING / FILLING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 07+08/19 21 Bottling of vinegar At the Lúka site Slovenské pramene a žriedla not only bottles natural waters but also soft drinks and vinegar. The market leader for water therefore also decided to invest in a KHS Innopro Paramix C blending system. The company is very proud of the outstanding quality of its bever- ages. All of its eight KHS machines have subsequently been equipped with ultraclean technology supplied by the Dortmund systems manufacturer. For its new site in Lúka, Slovakia’s market leader in the water bottling segment has procured an InnoPET BloFill and an Innopro Paramix C from KHS. Initially the processing of vinegar proved to be a challenging under- taking as a number of modifications were necessary before the machines could bottle vinegar. The customer’s requirement – an unusual one for KHS – was ultimately achieved by using special sealing materials, among other features, which demonstrated long-lasting resistance to the acid. With its new procurements Sloven- ské pramene a žriedla is now able to expand its product portfolio. “We hope that in the future we can bottle all kinds of sensitive beverages in order to cater for the individual needs of our clients,” Haradja explains. W W W . I N T R A V I S . C O M P R E F O R M I N S P E C T I O N C L O S U R E I N S P E C T I O N L A B E L & D E C O R A T I O N I N S P E C T I O N B A R R I E R - L A Y E R I N S P E C T I O N I N D U S T R Y 4 .0 B O T T L E & C O N T A I N E R I N S P E C T I O N Your specialist for