Insider 07+08 / 2019

INSPECTION 28 PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 07+08/19 INSPECTION AGRINTL.COM +1.724.482.2163 [email protected] VISIT OUR STAND (11B40) TO LEARN MORE DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY 16–23 OCTOBER 2019 OVERCOME rPET CHALLENGES Agr’s patented automated blowmolder control technology helps you PDLQWDLQ D KLJK OHYHO RI SURFHVV HɝFLHQF\ HYHQ ZKHQ XVLQJ SUHIRUPV that contain an increased percentage of recycled PET. PROCESS PILOT ® front. For example, we were the first to offer a high speed cavity number reading for preforms. At K 2013, we presented the Pre- Watcher Inline (formerly PreWatcher III), which offers sorting, feeding and inspection of preforms on just 8m². In 2017, we presented a closed loop for the production of beverage closures together with Netstal at Drinktec and thus for the first time demonstrated the influence and importance of inspection systems in the production process of the future. Last year, our increasing protectionism are not con- ducive to industry. But there is another issue that specifically affects the plastics indus- try and will be prevalent in the coming years: how will we deal with plastic packaging in the future? I think there needs to be a discussion about the benefits of plastic packaging, because I do not think that everything will be better if we stop making plastic pack- aging.” Torus Technology Group, Spencer Whale, Global Sales Manager (BILD) (I) “After 20 successful years as a global leader of inspection equipment in the metal packaging industry, Torus first ventured into the PET market in 2013. Having already got the specialist metrology skills and transferrable tech- nologies required for manufacturing world-class quality control inspection equipment, applying them to the PET Fig.1: Multi-module measurement CapWatcher Q-Line, the inline qual- ity lab, celebrated its world premiere. It is the first inline inspection system for beverage closures with integrated temperature measurement. And this year too, we have pre- pared two absolute world firsts that will join this group - one in the preform sector and the other in the area of Industry 4.0 solutions.” (III) “At the moment we see a changing world. Of course, the cur- rently prevailing trade conflicts and industry seemed an obvious choice. Industry competitors were, at the time, using outdated technology and hadn’t got the innovation or customer centric- ity that Torus pride themselves on, providing an opening for Torus. Torus have since developed an entire line of quality control equipment for plastic containers and preforms, all utilising the latest technology sensors and intelligent vision systems. As a UKAS accredited company, all of Torus’ equipment is provided with measure- ments traceable to UKAS standard via Torus’ own temperature controlled UKAS certified laboratory.” (II) “As the plastic packaging indus- try evolves and industry 4.0 intensifies, the need for large sets of more consist- ent and reliable quality control data to be provided in the most efficient manner as well as the demand for automat- ing processes are providing potential growth areas for Torus. Torus’ latest, exciting innovation, the TQ-Lab, offers a solution that meets these changing industry demands.” “The TQ-Lab involves the automation of multi-module quality control checks for PET and other rigid plastic packag- ing. Customers can choose up to four inspection modules to be included in a single cabinet and controlled via a single operator interface. The system, which is the first of its kind, uses multiple non- contact and contact sensor types. Bene-