Insider 07+08 / 2019

35 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 07+08/19 Seminar on multilayer and co-injection A day prior to the official start of Chinap- las 2019, the Chinese mould manufacturer GDXL Precise Machinery from Foshan near Guangzhou hosted a technical seminar on co-injection, multilayer and barriers. The company, which celebrated its 25 th anniver- sary last year, invited over 300 guests to the Hilton Hotel Foshan to share and discuss technologies and trends in preform and packaging manufacturing with the industry. The invited guests, of whom around 100 came from abroad, represented companies in mechanical and plant engineering, converters, beverage brand manufacturers, and the supply industry. In addition, representatives of local authorities, the National Standardisation Committee and industry associations attended the full-day event, which included a large-scale on-site tour of GDXL’s new premises. Companies making presentations at the seminar, alongside GDXL itself, were (in chronological order) Milacron Co-Injection (Kortec), Mitsubishi Gas Chemical (MGC), Valspar, Kuraray, Polyone, Netstal and Mocon. The main focus of the seminar was the limitation of external influences on the shelf life, stability and appearance of drinks and food by incorporation of barrier layers in the injection moulding process, as well as the successful verification of the same. Topics included the use and exploitation of gas barriers such as MX Nylon (MGC), Valor (Valspar), and Amosorb (Polyone), as well as light / UV barriers such as Lactra and Ultimate UV (Polyone) and Eval for thin wall applications (Kuraray). These presentations were complemented by a pres- entation on current and future projects by GDXL for Beverage, Food and Non-Food applications in cooperation with partners such as Mold Masters. Approaching 29,000 preforms per hour production, and a standalone inspection system At the Chinaplas 2019 trade fair, plant manufacturer Demark, headquartered in Huzhou, presented its Eco machine series once again but including the latest additions to the range. When we met Jason Xue, GM Assistant Sales and Marketing, the Eco 400/3500 Preform Injection System presented this time was so new that it had not yet been listed in the in-house portfolio brochures. The latest machine is positioned between the Eco 300/3500 and Eco 400/4300 systems. “Essentially, we have expanded the cavities and clamp force,” said Mr Xue as he demonstrated the interior of the machine. An in-house 72-cavity mould was applied with the use of a clamp force of 400 t - a 33% increase in force, compared with the 48-cavity system Demark presented in 2018. The single screw with pressure holding valve aims to convey 4,300g PET per shot, with a cycle time of 9 seconds. “Maximum outputs of 28,800 units per hour can be achieved,” Xue continued. Although it was demonstrated with an in-house mould, the Eco is also designed for moulds from Husky. Stated hourly energy consumption is approximately 430kW. With a size of 1,250x210x250 (LxWxH), the system has identical dimensions to the adja- cent, larger model: the Eco 400/4300. Demark demonstrated the production of 12.3g preforms on the system at the trade fair. On the other side of the stand the company presented the JP, its compact stan- dalone preform inspection system, which completes a visual inspection for irregularities, defects and soiling at up to 300 preforms/min, with a consumption of 4kWh. The focus here is on classic attributes such as the neck, body and injection point. Preforms with a diameter of 20-40mm and a height of 60-140mm are processed with the use of eight high-resolution CCD cameras. Demark guarantees identification and removal of 99.5% of faulty preforms, with an error rate of 0.1%. More than 300 guests attended GDXL’s technical seminar in Foshan. Jason Xue (right) with Kay Barton in front of Demark’s JP1300 preform inspection system [email protected] Tel: +90 212 695 50 00 Fax: +90 212 694 97 24 100815dmyR .com