Insider 07+08 / 2019

PET contents 4 PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 07+08/19 07+08/19 INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 22 Products 36 PET bottles for Beverage + Liquid Food 38 PET bottles for Home + Personal Care 40 Patents MATERIALS / RECYCLING 10 “There is no alternative to plastic recycling” 11 The buzzword: circular economy MOULD MAKING 13 Adapting to China’s new circumstances - Driving for better service in an increasingly saturated market PREFORM PRODUCTION 14 Flexibility is key - Investment in new preform moulding machines 15 An issue of age - Preform storage length/con- ditions can cause PET bottle performance issues BOTTLING / FILLING 16 Filling at its best - Investment in state of the art technology is the key 18 The Black Fly of Canada - PET is the material of choice for rtd alcoholic drinks 20 Boosting efficiency - Slovak beverage producer Slovenské pramene a žriedla modernises its production facilities MARKET SURVEY 24 Suppliers of compressors INSPECTION 26 A review of inspection systems 30 Exceeding expectations - Acti Pack’s approach to production and supply of high-end containers 32 Killing two birds with one stone - The in-line quality lab CapWatcher Q-Line TRADE SHOW REVIEW 33 Chinaplas 2019 BUYER’S GUIDE 41 Get listed! Page 15 Page 36243610 Page 36 INSPECTION