Insider 09 / 2019
EDITOUR PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/19 15 EDITOUR 15 erages, the following years saw the well-known brands joined by carbon- ated and non-carbonated beverages from manufacturers such as Parle Agro, Dabur, Bisleri and Coca-Cola, for example. They frequently have a higher fruit content than the required 5% – and the demand is rising. Tax incentives for these beverages and education and awareness campaigns for a more health-conscious diet are driving the trend forwards. Also Coca- Cola recently launched three new varieties of its long-running Minute Maid, to which minerals and vitamins have been added. In 2019, according to research company Statista, the re- venue in soft drinks in India amounts to US$4.3 billion and the annual market growth could amount to 8.1%. Things are also happening with dairy products. The packaging market for milk, which is still dominated by pouches, has grown strongly in recent years in the single-serve segment, where the bottlers rely on PET pack- aging. What started with flavoured milk drinks from Amul, the biggest milk processor, is paving the way for a wide range of dairy products from different manufacturers. In addition to flavoured drinks, fresh and UHT milk, as well as chaas and lassis are also included. Today, fresh milk in India, including A2 type milk, is being pack- aged in PET bottles. It typically has a shelf life of 4-7 days, depending on the packaging conditions. The famous ‘Pride of Cows’ milk is packaged in 1 litre PET bottles and has a shelf life of one week. Of course, fresh milk packaged in PET has to be trans- ported and stored in refrigerated con- ditions. It is interesting to note that, today, chaas and lassi packaged in PET each have shelf lifes of 15 days, in refrigerated conditions. While the beverages are produced locally, around two-thirds of the coun- try’s cooking oil is imported. Ten years ago, imports were just one-third of the total. The divergence is because India is growing too rapidly and there is insuf- ficient local agricultural and technical capacity for cooking oil production. As well as production capacity constraints, lower monsoon rainfall in large parts of the country in recent years has caused crop failure, and led to an estimated increase in additional imports of more than seven per cent, according to the Economic Times of India. THE COMPLETE CLOSURE, PREFORM AND CONTAINER SOLUTION FOR YOUR SMART FACTORY Product design Product development Product validation Industrial production plant Process & quality control On-site and start-up assistance After-sales and Customer service SACMI 4.0 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD BAD %VXMƤGMEP -RXIPPMKIRGI and Polarised Light: automatic quality control made perfect By using polarised light and numerous, fully automated AI-controlled scans, the SACMI vision system learns LS[ XS VIGSKRMWI ERH GSVVIGX ER] TVSHYGXMSRɅƥE[W