Insider 09 / 2019
EDITOUR PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/19 25 and rightly so, considering the opportunities and pos- sibilities in this huge country, whose efforts in recycling and sustainability of packag- ing waste are pretty much in their infancy. “I am convinced that the victory procession of recycled PET can only be guaranteed by a law that obliges manufacturers to use a specific share of rPET in their products. The money is there; you could even say that it’s the rubbish (actu- ally money) on the streets,” he said, emphatically. “Also, over the coming years, continuing high demand seems set to increase the price of rPET, which means we need to think about ways to recycle and use exist- ing materials sensibly, with technology and legislation being required that allow the use of rPET. Creative is at the forefront of this inno- vation and I am excited to see where we can take this technology in the next five years. Our ultimate mission is to ensure that we leave a better world for our children than the one we found.” he concluded. Creative Plastic’s entrance area with (f.r.t.l.) Surendra Agarwal and Kay Barton