Insider 09 / 2019
MATERIALS / RECYCLING PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/19 34 Holland Colours featured its Light- Guard series of UV and light absorb- ers, providing specific protection from 370-400 nm in the UV range, and from 400-700 nm for light-sensitive products. If only UV protection was required, this can be combined with any colour. Achieving the delicate balance of costs-in-use without sacrificing final product integrity while keeping aesthetics and packaging communica- tion for consumers is a topic Sukano addressed in issue 12. In the same issue, EnerPlastics, UAE, introduced its range of additive masterbatches. Blocking UV light from 300-370 nm, their UV barrier master- batch is claimed to maintain a very high clarity. 2017 We visited Ester Industries in Gurgaon, India for issue 1+2. The heat-resistant PET which can be produced using conventional ISBM or EBM manufacturing processes can be filled with products at temperatures up to 90 °C, facilitating extended product shelf life. In the field of rPET, yellowing is a blemish to be avoided. In our issue 5/2017, Repi presented a solution in additive form, namely its Anti Yellow liquid additive family with which a yellow or grey shade can be eliminated. (see photo next column on the top) Also in issue 5/2017, three new grades to cover barrier needs were presented by M&G Chemicals, from a very strong CO 2 /O 2 barrier for brewers and juice producers over a medium O 2 barrier mainly for vitamin-enhanced waters to a strong CO 2 barrier for CSD and sparkling water. Outside of the box: Ooho is not made from PET but from sea-weed. The edible package from the British start-up company Skipping Rocks Lab is the result of aiming to create a packaging with low environmental impact (issue 5). At Interpack 2017, Milliken Chemi- cal demonstrated how its ClearShield colourless UV absorbers are pro- tecting UV-sensitive contents from degradation while maintaining the packaging’s clarity and transparency (issue 6). During our South East Asia Road- show, we visited Indorama Ventures in Thailand, as reported in issue 11+12. Their global PET market share to this date was 20%. 2018 Uhde Inventa Fischer featured its optimised FTR (Flakes to Resin) technology at Chinaplas. This fully integrated process of PCR PET directly onto polymerisation of virgin like rPET resin material is claimed to allow the replacement of up to 50% of raw material without affecting food approvals from FDA and EFSA for the final product (issue 4). In issue 5, Repi reported on pro- gresses in liquid technology of colours and additives where bright shades can be combined with UV protection, blowing additives, IV enhancer and more. Consent Plastic, based in Dubai, UAE, produces its own flakes out of collected bottles to manufacture polyester strapping types with a high tensile strength (issue 6). A Gneuss MRS extruder helped to reduce the line’s footprint by 12% and the energy requirement by up to 25%, compared with a previous production line includ- ing an extruder, crystallisation and drying processing line. At NPE 2018 Penn Color’s Pen- neffex design team, in association with Husky Injection Molding Systems and PET Engineering, demonstrated a range of new colour and finish effects (issue 7+8). The special effects pig- ments designed a proprietary special effect compound to be used in the mid-layer of a multi-layer bottle such as thermochromic, phosphorescent or bicolour effects.