Insider 09 / 2019

58 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 19 No. 09/19 Future-oriented extruder machine design The design is eye-catching with modern colours and shape is more functionality with improved ergonom- ics. Among the practical extras are, for example, the large-scale safety gates and integrated variable colour LED signal lights that indicate operat- ing status and simplify required main- tenance. One feature is the optional magnetic quick mould change system. Mould change-over is accomplished in 15 minutes per clamping unit – without tools or a special mould cart. Moulds and blow pins are always changed from the front side of the machine. The new generation of high-output extruders of the future packaging machine line distinguish themselves through processability, high maximum throughput, and excellent melt homogeneity. Bekum places particular importance on energy effi- ciency when developing extruders. Bekum extruders use energy efficient motors and drives, which are important to achieve high energy efficiency. (Class 10 as described in Euromap 46.1). Bekum extrusion heads in either mono- or multi-layer technology are designed to achieve precise flow guidance, short colour change times and uniform wall thick- ness throughout the article for all extrusion blow mouldable plastics. The modern machine design of the future machine series will be enhanced via a portrait-oriented, generously dimensioned 24-inch operator panel and a new, intuitive touchscreen called Bekum Control 8.0. Visualisation of throughput values and energy consumption on the multi-touch operation panel is provided as well as the display of power, water, air consumption, and the pressures of all supplies process utilities. Remote on-line service: with permission of the owner, Bekum service technicians can log in to machine controls and carry out function tests and perform software updates. Bekum is engaged in the circular economy. Its Bekum 3-layer heads, offers a solution for costs-effective recycling of single-origin PE of PP plastic scrap. Thanks to Bekum’s tri-extrusion technology, recycled material (PCR) can be embedded between layers of virgin plastic materials. The use of PCR in the middle layer can permit a cost-reduction in the manufacture of containers. Bekum is presenting the Concept 808 show machine with a multi-cavity three-layer application. AGRINTL.COM +1.724.482.2163 [email protected] VISIT OUR STAND (11B40) TO LEARN MORE DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY 16–23 OCTOBER 2019 OVERCOME rPET CHALLENGES Agr’s patented automated blowmolder control technology helps you PDLQWDLQ D KLJK OHYHO RI SURFHVV HɝFLHQF\ HYHQ ZKHQ XVLQJ SUHIRUPV that contain an increased percentage of recycled PET. PROCESS PILOT ® Recycling - “Go Green” corner Amut Group carries on with the motto “Go Green” firstly launched during Chinaplas 2019 edition and offers several solutions to support the circular economy. The friction washer, patented machine exhibited, performs intense PET/HDPE/LDPE washing and pollutants removal action. Thanks to the strong cleaning force of the fric- tion washer, the outgoing flakes have the quality required to be re-used in many applications. Amut also pro- poses the line concept for Bottle to Packaging application developed in collaboration with Erema. The extru- sion line is designed to process 100% post-consumer PET bottle flakes into single layer foil certified food grade thermoforming foil, with a direct FDA extrusion process. The line has a net width from 1,000-2,000mm, configura- tion with one layer, three layers or up to five layers upon request. The thickness is from 0.15-2mm and the output is up to 2,000 kg/h. Hall 14 Bekum Booth C03 Hall 16 - Booth A05 Amut Hall 3 - Booth B92 15min for a mould change