Insider 10 / 2019

BOTTLE MAKING 31 PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 10/19 Middle East and Africa but to a total of 40 countries worldwide. Sunpet in India runs at about 90% of maximum capacity, producing over 3 billion units a year. The company Thai Plaspac as a whole has a total installed capac- ity of 80,000 t across all its ten plants, including those in Thailand. “For the fiscal year 2019, we are expecting an increase in revenues of around 25%, around USD70 million,” explained Shrinath Kasi. “We have seen 15% growth in PET alone in TPAC India.” TPAC India employs more than 300 staff across its total production space of approximately 80,000m 2 . With over three decades of experi- ence, the company claims a history of innovation in the pharmaceutical, edible oil and dairy segments. Its client list includes several of India’s leading brands in the milk and fresh juice markets, which were previously dominated by glass bottle and pouch packaging; the trend is now towards PET bottles. The attractions of PET include increased food safety, better quality, longer shelf life, improved product hygiene, reduced environ- mental impact compared to traditional packaging materials like glass or paper, innovative packaging options – and, of course: consumer conveni- ence. TPAC and one of its customers developed 200ml and 500ml PET bot- tles to provide these benefits in dairy segment; they are now widely in use across the country. Sunpet is also the exclusive manufacturer of PET cans for Hershey’s chocolate spreads. The team around Chitaranjan Swain (on the right) manages the three plants Umbergaon, Silvassa & Dadra. On the left are the Umbergaon team members: plant manager Nagar Patel; production manager Arun Chaudhari; and mainte- nance manager Ramesh Kadam Mr Kasi mentioned that Sunpet is widely known as a packaging solu- tion provider to the Food & Beverage industry, a position that was recog- nised by its recent award of “Best Brand – 2018” by the Economic Times Food Processing & Packaging. “TPAC Packaging’s speciality is hygienic consumer packaging,” he added. “Our The Editourmobil in front of Sunpet’s gates in Umbergaon, south of Silvassa core strength is stringent hygiene standards, maintained for critical sectors such as pharma, food and personal care. I would also empha- sise our portfolio of blue-chip brand customers, where our relationships have been built up and span multiple decades.”