Insider 10 / 2019

INSPECTION 41 PET planet Insider Vol. 20 During the guided tour through the production hall, the voice control was demonstrated to the visitors on a Tornado II dynamic. These create full transparency and genuine know-how automatically with large touchscreens and the Heuft NaVi user guidance including Heuft checkPoints and audiovisual step-by- step assistance. Heuft brought the very first sys- tems with monitors to the bottling hall for a better overview. Soon followed its own graphic user interface, then the audiovisual Heuft NaVi user guid- ance and finally even a real voice control for full operational reliability and productivity. The audiovisual Heuft NaVi user guidance makes the operator a competent user. On the rare occasions when he has to take action it is explained to him in words, pictures and sound step by step and shown in detail what has to be done where and how. He can therefore restore full operational reli- ability without a great deal of prior knowledge. This marks the provisional peak of the second basic devel- opmental concept which Heuft has promoted from the very beginning: as much overview, assistance and support for the operator as possible. Not only forward drive with countless technological pioneering achievements of the last 40 years has brought the medium-sized family-owned company on a sustainable course for success, but also the resulting continuous growth in the company’s area, international sales and service locations as well as competent employees in research and develop- ment, production, project planning and support. Today, Heuft Systemtech- nik GmbH, which produces exclusively in Germany, is a globally active manufacturer of modular systems for sus- tainable quality control and inspection in the filling and packaging of beverages, foodstuffs and pharmaceu- ticals. We do more. KRONES Recycling Solutions #GermanBlingBling #KronesMetaPure K 2019 Düsseldorf, 16 – 23 October OA Hall 15/15.1