Insider 10 / 2019
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 10/19 69 Film washing lines with hot washing Achim Ebel, Division Manager for washing lines states: “We look closely at the planned input quantities and compositions, but at the same time keep an eye on the desired applica- tions for the washed end products. We do not offer washing lines off the shelf – designing a solution that meets the particular requirements is a more intensive individual process performed together with the customer.” Herbold offers tried and tested solu- tions for many applications including PET bottles, post-industrial and post- consumer films, post-consumer hard plastics, big bags and other monofila- ments, Tetra paks and pulp waste. The following new developments from the washing line product area will be presented. VWE 700 prewashing unit An important component in a Her- bold film washing line is the multi-stage prewashing unit, which captures coarse foreign bodies and reduces the mineral fraction, both to protect the subsequent machines. The remainder is also gently pre-washed. The type of pre-washing developed by Herbold Meckesheim has been a proven technology. Now this process step has been further opti- mised by increasing the throughput per- formance for films, optimising the flow of water, and integrating a baffle plate thickener into the unit to clean the pro- cess water. Contaminants are removed directly on the unit. Hot washing Increasing quality requirements in the plastic recycling industry also require optimised cleaning stages when building a plastics recycling plant. An important step in plastics recycling is the hot washing step, which has been a major one in the PET bottle recycling process. Herbold Meckesheim has advanced this step of the process for PO films and can offer optimised tem- peratures and appropriate dwell times, as well as optimal cleaning results and end material quality through the use of suitable additives. Mechanical drying The dryers from Herbold Mecke- sheim are claimed to meet high quality requirements in terms of high drying efficiency and performance, good accessibility, wear-protected parts, and automatic cleaning sys- tems. Now, the company has also implemented the principles of multi- stage vertical drying in their horizon- tal dryers. This improves the product output rate and the lifespans of the wear parts. Furthermore, the thermal drying process has been optimised. Thermal drying The two-stage thermal dryer is com- pletely new. The flow through the coils was optimised and the heating temper- ature was improved in terms of energy consumption. This design is used espe- cially in the recycling of increasingly thinner films. It is used to reach low residual moisture contents and ensure the material can be processed after- wards with as little energy as possible. Label remover Herbold has made numerous minor improvements, and therefore intro- duced a new and improved genera- tion to the market. Based on a proven basic principle, the Herbold HLR label removers are now much more vari- able, states the company. This applies to the removal process as well as to the integrated separation using a clas- sifier. They are now able to control the dwell times and intensities of the label removal process much better. To accomplish this, a series of adjustable machine parameters is used. Hot washing, also for films AGRINTL.COM +1.724.482.2163
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