Insider 10 / 2019
PET planet Insider Vol. 20 No. 10/19 79 BOTTLES Two-phase make-up remover L’Oréal is selling make-up remover specially for long-lasting and waterproof make-up in a transparent 125 ml bottle. The product consists of a transpar- ent and a blue liquid, which must be mixed by shaking before use. Placed on the bottle is a two- coloured hinged cap seal with an extended cap body. The fill level ends at the white cap edge. Semi-transparent self-adhesive labels provide retail information and enable a direct view of the two-phase product. biff pro nature in recyclate bottle “99.9% natural ingredients in a bottle of 100% recycled plastic” is how Henkel is advertising the biff pro nature bathroom cleaner, which contains sustainably culti- vated ingredients. The transpar- ent, easy-grip bottle holds 750ml of the likewise transparent prod- uct, which is dispensed through an adjustable trigger. Two labels describe the product, which has been awarded the blue environ- mental angel. ORGANISED BY: SILVER SPONSOR: SUPPORTING PARTNER MEDIA PARTNERS: BOOK NOW! Early bird rates available until 4 October 2019 Plastics Caps and Closures 2019 Conference 18-19 November 2019 • Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam PROGRAMME ANNOUNCED! Key topics include innovation drivers, sustainability, the circular economy and tethered cap solutions. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Hans van Bochove Vice-President Public Affairs Europe Coca-Cola European Partners Filip Vangeel Manager Circular Economy Valipac Augustin De Tilly Global Business Development Director Beverage Aptar Food + Beverage SPEAKERS INCLUDE: VIEW THE PROGRAMME AND REGISTER AT: PLASTICSCAPSANDCLOSURES.COM