Insider 01+02 / 2020

LABELLING PET planet Insider Vol. 21 No. 01+02/20 28 Sustainable labelling – using PET by Liselotte den Ouden (Product Manager Film) and Jenny Wassenaar (Compliance & Sustainability Director), Avery Dennison There is no doubt that sustainable packaging and waste reduction have become key busi- ness priorities. The search for solutions that can boost a brand’s eco-credentials is gathering pace. Major gains are possible when brands get things right. Consumers pay particularly close attention to packaging, and there are signifi- cant environmental improvements to be made and communicated. Useful brand messages emerge from initiatives that create a truly cir- cular economy. Labels are a highly visible part of packaging, so they play a key role. The label recycling challenge Recycling waste from different stages of the labelling process is complex, especially when seeking to create useful by-products or clos- ing the loop entirely. Even the word ‘recyclable’ is sometimes misleading because some recyclable products will end up in landfill, as things stand. A viable end-to-end recycling solution has to look at real-world performance of all the different components of a package. This means considering sourcing of materials, how much is being used, and the actual end-of- life destination. The ultimate goal, of course, is zero waste. Better label materials A standard self-adhesive label, once it has been dispensed onto a package or product, comprises a facestock and an adhesive. Before dispensing, it is also held on a release liner. Sustain- ability considerations often start with the facestock, as the most visible element for consumers. Certification is helpful here, showing that materials are from renewable resources. Mate- rials can also be shown to contain recycled material, and to be recycla- ble themselves. 95%+ of Avery Den- nison’s paper facestock volume within the EU is already FSC-certified, and some of the more specialised prod- ucts include facestocks made from grape or sugar cane waste – a great way to promote brand messaging in particular segments, such as wine and spirits. CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE! AGRINTL.COM | +1.724.482.2163 | SALES@AGRINTL.COM PROCESS PILOT IMPROVE LINE EFFICIENCY by 10% OR MORE Agr’s patented closed-loop blowmolder control technology can increase blowmolder uptime with more FRQVLVWHQW ERWWOHVȃLPSURYLQJ OLQH HɝFLHQF\ ®