Insider 03 / 2020

MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 03/20 03/2020 MARKET survey Company name Shanghai Kronce Enterprise Development Co. Ltd. KraussMaffei HighPerformance AG Sacmi Imola Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Room 06/07, Fl. 35, 6088 Humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201199, China +86 21 2420 200 1 Mr Andy Yang General Manager +86 15 000 770 587 +86 21 2420 227 8 [email protected] Tschachenstrasse 8752 Näfels, Switzerland +41 55 618 6111 Mr Stefan Kleinfeld Application & Product Manager +41 55 618 6241 +41 55 618 6605 [email protected] Via Provinciale Selice 17/A 40026 Imola BO, Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Moraldo Masi Director of Business Unit PET +39 0542 607888 +39 0542 642354 [email protected] Preform injection moulding systems Machine model number / name P-SR PET preform injection moulding system Netstal PET-Line 2400, Netstal PET- Line 4000, Netstal PET-Line 5000; Netstal PET-Line 2C; PETForm 175 IPS220 IPS400 Number of cavities (min/max units) 12/72 32 - 144 16 - 72 48 - 128 Maximum individual preform weight 800g Max. shot weight 6,600g 140g 140g Max resin through-put (kg/h of PET) 400 Up to 1,350 625 125 Standard features (short description / keywords) Turnkey solution provider for production with the reasonable ROI based on reliable production cost of PET preform, PET bottle & caps, servo-motor driven system, power saving for heavy preform production, higher PET plasticization result, 24:1 L/D ratio useful for high quality PET plasticisation Intrusion Injection cylinder (shooting pot), electri- cal drive for plasticising screw Options / Special features (short description/keywords) Better perform, bottle and cap design, weight saving, easy for fast blow, better view for final products, various solution for selection, focus on products quality, efficiency, flex- ibility, clients’ requirements has been taken into account, heavy duty equipments, energy saving, fast production, trouble free in product process, engineer onsite service, fast start-up and better training for operator CPP = "Controlled Production shutdown during a Power outage"; NRS = Netstal remote support, energy measurement Calitec T-belt for preforms extraction, belt free robot linear motor with KERS, take out plate with three postcooling stations, HMI with control of all auxiliaries, double cylinder for preform ejection, digital valves for each actuator, water unloading system prior to mould chang- ing, injection shot completition device (power failure) Direct preforms unloading from gripper plate, belt free robot linear motor with KERS, take out plate with four postcool- ing stations , HMI with control of all auxiliaries, boosters on moving platen for first phase ejection, digital valves for each actuator, water unloading system prior to mould changing, injection shot completition device (power failure)