Insider 03 / 2020

PET planet Insider Vol. 21 No. 03/20 35 TRADE SHOW REVIEW stage preform moulds as Stackteck’s leading competitors. “Being innovative in finding ways to meet those require- ments is essential. Recently, sustain- ability has become a global priority. Finding solutions for reducing scrap through improved part quality, speedy colour change-overs and building processing know-how with recycled materials have been a priority for us, as well as improving productivity through advanced technologies in the hot runner, cold half, and post mould cooling systems.” Stackteck sees clear trends for today’s PET preform industry as a wide range of market segments including rPET applications, beyond the beverage and food industry, which is creat- ing many new opportunities for mould projects. Stackteck’s President and CEO, Mr Vincent Trava- glini, confidently stated “We can cope with that. We have a large capacity for machining, to handle big programmes. In a highly competitive market, we have built a good reputation through the years for being a premium supplier in food and beverage packaging with a broad scope of offer- ings, from part development and mould design to piloting, prototyping, repairs and sys- tems integrations. All that is led by industry experience. We have many long tenured people in sales, manufactur- ing, engineering and other company areas, too,” he concluded. Stackteck is a global provider of integrated plastic tooling solutions for the injection moulding industry. From product and mould design to com- plete systems integration, the company develops injection moulds and sys- tems. Through technical innovation in mould bases, quick product change and multi-level stack moulds, Stackteck states to differentiate itself by delivering high productivity to the caps, closures, thin wall packaging, tech- nical and medical markets. Dedicated testing, service, repair and refurbish- ment resources ensure the capacity to deliver global multi-mould programs which are proven and deliver ongoing performance year after year. ASEPTIC PET PACKAGING PROVEN PERFORMANCE Over 60 billion bottles have been sterilised using Sidel Aseptic Combi with dry preform sterilisation saving our customers 10 billion liters of water and over 60,000 tons of PET. Sidel, when aseptic matters. Sidel Aseptic Combi Predis TM FDA approved Visit Sidel at Interpack, Hall 13, Booth 47 May 7 th -13 th Dusseldorf