Insider 03 / 2020
PET planet Insider Vol. 21 No. 03/20 46 PET bottles Beverage + Liquid Food Probiotic fruit gums Under its own name and with the description “Extra Strength Probiotic Gummies”, Walgreens is selling probiotic fruit gums with active cultures of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacil- lus Coagulans in a clear PET container that contains 90 fruit gums. The probiotic additives are to support bacterial bal- ance in the digestive system. The circulating self-adhesive label describes product and application and a push down and turn cap protects the product from being dispensed by small children. New mineral water at Aldi Süd Since September 2019, the Aldi Süd group has had a new still mineral water in its range. The manufacturer/bot- tler of the water is Urwasser GmbH, a company belonging to Molkerei Gropper. Gropper, previously known as a pro- ducer of retail brands involving milk, yoghurt products, juices, smoothies and mixed coffee drinks, is entering a new market segment with mineral water. The “riese Urwasser” [ancient crater water] comes from the Marienquelle in Bissingen, a town in Nördlinger Ries with a landscape created by the impact of an asteroid. Chosen as packaging is a 100% rPET, slightly blue shimmering, slim and tapered bottle. The sleeve label explains the history of the water and is suitably decorated. The bottle is sealed with a light blue screw seal with guarantee band. Limited Edition from hella At regular intervals, German company Hansa Mineralbrunnen GmbH is launching especially tasty flavours of its drinks brand “hella” as “Limited Editions”. This year, it was “mango picchu” with mango and peach flavour. The uncarbon- ated, low-calorie drink is in a clear 750ml single-use bottle with cir- culating reinforcement ridges and is sealed with a violet screw cap with guarantee band. A colourful circulating sleeve label contains product information.