Insider 04 / 2020
DIGITALISATION PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 04/20 11 During the programming work, it was important for Syskron to ensure that the software solution could not only be customised to suit the different services, but could even be tailored to individual employees. For example, each employee receives his/her own account, in which only the informa- tion and functionalities are displayed that he/she needs for their daily work. Since Share2Act is Cloud-based, users can access the information fl exibly and from any location through computers and mobile terminals. The fl exibility, however, shows up not only with the users and access to the data, but also with the user interface and the costs. Because thanks to a SaaS (Software as a Service) model, the cus- tomer does not purchase a costly and often unnecessary complete package, but can at any time and at need book individual elements in addition. Not least, an IIoT platform is essential for creating the basis for applications from the fi elds of machine learning or arti fi cial intelligence. Only with the collection, classi fi cation and storage of extensive data from the production operation will it be possible in the future for systems to intelli- gently output speci fi c statements and recommendations for action, and thus respond to the altering framework conditions in the beverage industry as well. All services mutually harmonised The individual services are claimed to complement each other in terms of their functionalities, intermesh seamlessly, and to pro- vide each other with information. This avoids multiple display of the same information. Share2Act, with its wide range of services, can not only be customised, but also individually tailored to speci fi c employees. 40 Bar Oil-Free Piston Compressors For PET Applications. Building the future in every moment of your business