Insider 04 / 2020

MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 04/20 Inspections Company name Intravis GmbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Rotter Bruch 26a, 52068 Aachen, Germany +49 241 9126 0 Mr Markus Juppe CMO +49 241 9126 0 [email protected] Preform Inspection Systems PreWatcher offline PreWatcher inline Sample-PreWatcher PreMon LayerWatcher Inspection speed Up to 100,000 objects/hour, 18 cameras Up to 72,000 objects/hour, 8 cameras Up to 1,200 objects/hour, weight check Up to 72,000 objects/hour, 5 cameras Up to 144 objects/hour Inspected parameters: Geometry / Body Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, bubbles, colour and colour deviations, barrier, stress test with polarised light Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, bubbles, colour and colour deviations Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, wall thickness, inner wall damage, core shift, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, stress test with polarised light, bubbles, colour and colour deviations, barrier Colour and colour deviations, contamination, short shots, unmelted material, oil, burn spots, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, bubbles, yellowness Presence, thickness, posi- tion and structure of barrier layers, position of barrier leading and trailing edge Thread area Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, flash, pulled thread Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, flash, pulled thread Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, flash, pulled thread Contamination, short shots Mouth / Sealing surface Diameter, ovality, short shots, flash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, defects at the neck support ring, contamination Diameter, ovality, short shots, flash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, contamination Diameter, ovality, short shots, flash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, inner mouth wall inspection, contamination Short shots, flashes, scratches, ovality, contamination Gate / Dome Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing Length of injection point, contamination Colour Colour and intensity deviations ( Δ L*, Δ a*, Δ b*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations ( Δ L*, Δ a*, Δ b*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations ( Δ L*, Δ a*, Δ b*), presence of UV blocker, pres- ence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations ( Δ L*, Δ a*, Δ b*), yellowness, grayness Cavity number Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM, enables collec- tion of reference samples Cavity related statistics, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibillity to share information based on cavity number with IMM Further criteria Reference sample collection based on defect and/or cavity, footprint of less than 4m², connectable with Intra- Visualizer: wireless reports, alarms operator in extraordinary events, share product quality with factory QMS or ERP Combination of sorting, feeding and inspection unit with 8m² foot print, connectable with IntraVisualizer: wireless reports, alarms operator in extraordinary events, share product quality with factory QMS or ERP High precision weight measurement, high precision dimension measurement, reference sample collection based on defect and/or cavity, connectable with IntraVisualizer: wireless reports, alarms operator in extraordinary events, share product quality with factory QMS or ERP Bad part ejection, high precision through preform orientation, connectable with IntraVisualizer: wireless reports; alarms operator in extraordinary events, share product quality with factory QMS or ERP Visualisation of barrier layers in 3D images in less than 30 sec., connectable with IntraVisualizer: wire- less reports, alarms opera- tor in extraordinary events, share product quality with factory QMS or ERP Measurement of absence or presence of barrier material Yes Yes Yes No Yes Layer thickness & position measurement at distinctive points No No No No Yes Layer thickness & position measurement at the com- plete body by scanning No No No No Yes Features: · Stand-alone Yes Yes Yes No Yes · Inline Yes, but optimised for offline Yes, optimised for inline after IMM and before blower and filler Yes, sampling Yes, optimised for inline after IMM Yes, sampling · Side camera for cavity recognition Yes, 4 cameras Yes, 3 cameras Yes, rollout of the complete thread area No Yes, rollout of the complete thread area · Methode: destructive/non destructive Non destructive Non destructive Non destructive Non destructive Non destructive · Data base connection Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats; SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS