Insider 05 / 2020
PACKAGING / PALLETISING 34 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 05/20 Laboratory thickness and dimensional measurement system for plastic containers Agr International has unveiled their latest development, the Gawis 4D, an all-in-one measurement system for plastic containers and preforms. Designed to automate a number of critical bottle and preform measurements into a single operation, this new laboratory test system provides measurement capabilities to support the design, process and quality management of plastic containers and preforms. PACKAGING The Gawis 4D is two systems in one; a thickness measurement system, and a dimensional gauging device. It incorporates state of the art optical gauging and thickness meas- urement technology, in combination with automation, to simplify con- tainer measurement operations while maximising testing throughput. It is designed to provide broad measure- ment capabilities on a wide range of plastic containers and preforms with accuracy, repeatability and opera- tional throughput. Built upon a completely new measurement platform, Gawis 4D incorporates a number of features and capabilities that include: Comprehensive thickness measure- ment over the container body with: Single and multiple point measure- ments Vertical and horizontal scans Precise fi nish gauging and body measurements, including base clear- ance and height featuring: AutoJob – automated job setup High resolution, USB 3 camera technology Optimised lensing and telecentric optics 360º imaging, with frames captured up to 1º Performance to ISBT, ASTM and equivalent international standards. Industry 4.0 communication protocols technology for dimensional gauging The Gawis 4D is to provide measurements with a level of pre- cision and repeatability that can document dimensions of produc- tion containers and have sufficient precision for the qualification and management of moulds. The vision measurement technology incorpo- rated in the Gawis 4D utilises high pixel density camera components in combination with enhanced tel- ecentric optics and lighting. This combination provides a very crisp edge shadow, making it possible to achieve high dimensional precision In addition to discrete measurements, the Gawis 4D can perform horizontal or vertical scans of the bottle/preform for analysing material distribution.