Insider 05 / 2020
PACKAGING / PALLETISING 35 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 05/20 and repeatability and a low per cent of process variation for individual measurements. The design of the Gawis 4D imaging system, along with meas- urement algorithms, provides the capability to measure an extensive range of finish dimensions on bottles and preforms. Jobs can be config- ured for single or multiple combi- nations of measurements without sacrificing throughput. A library of industry standard finish measure- ment routines is provided with each system. These are each customisa- ble to meet the needs of the applica- tion. The AutoJob is a patent pend- ing feature on the Gawis 4D and is designed to simplify job setup by providing automated recognition of key finish measurements on a bottle or preform sample. With this feature, the operator selects the AutoJob mode and the work of locating and identifying finish features is per- formed automatically. The Gawis 4D scans the sample, identifies the standard finish measurements for that sample and incorporates them into the job within a matter of sec- onds. The operator can adjust the selection, add control limits to the selection and incorporate additional measurements as necessary. This feature accelerates job creation, saving labor hours. Thickness measurement The Gawis 4D system utilises Agr’s proprietary and proven infrared light spectrometer measurement technology to perform thickness measurements. This method offers fast and precise thickness measure- ment without contacting the con- tainer or preform and is compatible with most colours and a range of polymer materials. Major advan- tages of this technology are the speed and accuracy of measure- ment as well as its ability to measure thickness at discrete points or scan vertical or horizontal regions for analysing material distribution. The measurements can be performed at multiple locations and regions on the sample to get a full profile of the bottle. Once a job is defined, meas- urements are performed exactly the same way on every sample. Industry 4.0 communication Industry 4.0 standard communica- tion protocols have been incorporated into the Gawis 4D to improve com- munications and support Industry 4.0 objectives. This capability facilitates communication with other devices, to share data, support remote job change and interface with factory robotic handling systems without operator intervention. Agr offers a complete line of products for the measurement and testing of plastic containers. They are designed to assist container produc- ers, converters and fi llers stay com- petitive, while meeting the increased quality demands of today’s changing world. High pixel density camera components, along with telecentric optics and light- ing, are incorporated in the Gawis 4D to achieve a high level of dimensional precision and repeatability. +44 (0) 1254 584210
[email protected] Active for over 25 years, our global network and specialist knowledge makes us the go-to company for the sale or purchase of a PET machine. Commercially savvy, we work closely with our customers and our global network, to make sure everyone gets the best deal. Providing comprehensive advice throughout your sale or purchase; we can arrange dismantling, loading, packing, shipping, specialist insurance and commissioning. If you have amachine to sell or you’re looking to purchase, please get in touch. THE INDUSTRY EXPERTS