Insider 05 / 2020
PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 49 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Guest presentations from Husky and ABC Compressors Husky and ABC Compressors made guest presentations on the second day in the series. Cosimo Carroccia and Luis Espigol of Husky, focused on the latest news from the PET market, on new innovations in various preform necks and corre- sponding closure systems in particu- lar, as they adapt to new legislation. Xabier Noguera and José Ignacio Aizpuru of ABC Compressors described the latest savings developments in the high-pressure air pro- duction process. Despite the then-emerg- ing Coronavirus/Covid-19 emergency, the Open Days were judged to have been a success and Side S.A. is already planning the next event; an announcement, which will be made soon, will include planning for the inclusion of new partner- ships. Side’s management is at pains to stress how impor- tant it is for the company to demonstrate its capacity to offer solutions tailored to the requirements of each project. The 8-cavity S3008e can achieve production cycles equivalent to 18,000bph. The Sidel EvoDECO labelling solutions, available either as a modular, multi-technology or as dedicated-technology equipment, offer customers total flexibility and performance, fulfilling any need to meet today’s demands within labelling. They deliver great efficiency and low Total Cost of Ownership with high output, 30% faster changeover time, 40% less maintenance time and 40% less electrical consumption compared to the previous generation. With EvoDECO Multi you can easily change from high-performance cold glue, Pressure Sensitive Labels, or roll-fed, to hot melt modules and quickly ramp-up your production. Find your labelling solution at DESIGNED FOR TOTAL FLEXIBILITY OPTIMISED FOR UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE SIDEL EVODECO LABELLING SOLUTIONS