Insider 09 / 2020

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 09/20 21 for soft drinks, while it has increased slightly for bottled water from 63 l in 2017 to 65 l in 2019 and could reach 69 l by 2025. Juices have experi- enced a continual slight downturn over the years and could shrink from 17 l in 2019 to 15.5 l in 2025. Overall, Statista estimates the consumption of non-alcoholic drinks in 2020 to be 929 million litres and forecasts an 11% increase to something over 1 billion litres by 2025. According to Euromonitor, almost 70 million water bottles were sold in 2019, 77% of which were PET bottles; the market share in this sector has grown by a little under 8% since 2017. As in Australia, however, the market for carbonates is a can market. Of the 292 million units sold in 2019, one third were PET bottles. However, 58% were cans and this was a growth of over 5% since 2017. In the same period, juices remained stable with a small increase of 1.6% to 95 million units sold. How- ever, there was a slight downturn in PET and an increase in cartons, glass and HDPE bottles. In New Zealand too, alcoholic drinks come in glass and cans. In terms of non-food packaging like bath, shower and skincare packag- ing, the proportion of PET in 2019 was around 10.5% overall. Recycling in Australia In 2018, Australian industry and government established four new packaging recycling targets to be delivered by 2025. Developed through close collaboration and with the involvement of all participants in packaging manufacturing, trade and recycling, the 2025 National Pack- aging Targets will aim to increase recyclability and recycling rates, but also increase the proportion of recy- cled material in new packaging. This should mean that by 2025, 100% of all packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable, and 70% of plastic packaging placed on the market will be recycled or composted. The aver- age proportion of recycled material in new packaging should be 50%, and problematic and unnecessary single- use plastic will be phased out. The monitoring of implementation and development will be carried out by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO). With regard to plastics, an APCO report from March 2020 states that plastics is at a particularly low level of only 2% recycled content and should be increased to 20% in five years. In the 2017-2018 period, almost 20% of all packaging that came onto the market (5.45 billion tons) was plastic packaging (around 1.07 billion tons), of which only around 16% was suc- cessfully recovered. Losses happen at all stages of the chain. This included around 132,000 t of PET from Austral- ian trade, the majority of which was drinks bottles. Vital for an appropri- ate increase in the recycling propor- tion would be an improved collection, separation and processing infrastruc- ture, especially for PET, HDPE and PP, as well as more closely interwo- ven communication between local policy and companies throughout the entire chain. Amongst plastics, PET still performs comparatively well with a current proportion of 12% recyclate in packaging; and this will aim increase to 30% by 2025 under the National Packaging Targets. Paper currently contains 49% recycled material and will increase to 60%. Metals are cur- rently at 30%, which should become 35% and glass packaging should achieve the leap from 32% to 50%. Sources: Australian Beverages Coun- cil, GTAI, IBIS World, Market Research Company Euromonitor International, MDPI, OECD, Statista, WKO, World Bank PETcast In our new Road Show podcast, PETplanet meets industry experts from Down Under to Japan and talks with them about their successes, decisions and current developments. Just go to an d start listening! product development caps & closures design high cavitation moulds multi-component moulds closure production systems after sales service competent – professional – inspiring Dr.-Walter-Zumtobel-Strasse 9 | 6850 Dornbirn | Austria |