Insider 09 / 2020

MAINTENANCE 27 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 unscramblers (as are commonly used in the USA) needs more instal- lation time. The units are mostly used as stand-alone systems: the interference with the available PET conveying con- trol system from the OEM is limited to our recommended reduction of the fan blowing power (fans do supply the air flow in the air duct and are typi- cally positioned every 10m along the air conveyor). This will result in up to 40% reduction of energy consump- tion. PETplanet: Mr Turck, some big players of the food and beverage indus- try already work with your systems since many years. What has been your benefit of working with them? Turck: The successes accomplished at the big players facilitate CHP to expand internationally:  the subsidiaries or fran- chising companies of the big accounts are encour- aged to work with CHP  as CHP is gaining recog- nition in the international market, the reference to the big players facilitates taking the first hurdle in the sales process to more local operating bot- tling companies. Improvements on the technology are mostly trig- gered by feedback of the end users as well as recom- mendations from the major OEM’s building full-inte- grated bottling lines. PETplanet: Mr Turck, where do you see poten- tial market trends for your technology now and in the future? Turck: “Reducing Operating Costs”, “Increas- ing Sustainability – reduce wastage of water ” and “Industry 4.0” appear to be the main drivers for the following years. CHP will secure its technical competi- tive advantage through fur- ther continuously focusing on improvements and new developments. We do more. KRONES Recycling Solutions #GermanBlingBling #KronesMetaPure CHP will also strengthen the focus on “unburdening” the customer by offering full-inclusive servicing con- tracts on our MicroDry systems, start- ing in Europe. PETplanet: Mr Turck, due to Covid-19 pandemic a lot of company decisions have to be re-thought. How does CHP deal with this special situ- ation? Turck: Customers recognise the major benefits of the MicroDry technol- ogy that also result in low pay-back times of the accompanied investments; hence Covid-19 tends to delay the deci- sion to invest rather than cancelling the outstanding and planned projects. PETplanet: Thanks you a lot for your statements.