Insider 09 / 2020

MARKET SURVEY 32 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 09/20 Inspection Company name IMD Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Industriestrasse 37A, 2555 Brügg BE, Switzerland +41 32 366 80 66 Mr Martin Gerber Sales Director (CSO) +41 32 366 80 66 [email protected] Inspection system IMDvista Closure Vision Inspection Standard Closure Inspection Line IMDvista CLCO OEM Closure Vision Inspection IMDvista SPIX Pinhole Detection System IMDvista SDL Slitting & Folding System IMDvista CLDP Closure Digital Print System IMDvista Neuron (AI) artificial intelligence software feature Inspection speed Up to 4,000ppmin / 240,000pph Up to 4,000ppmin / 240,000pph Up to 4,000ppmin/ 240,000pph Up to 2,000ppmin/ 120,000pph Up to 1,500ppmin/ 90,000pph Inspection method Non-destructive in- or offline solution as a downstream solution out of one hand - from undermould conveyor (UMC) to cooling conveyor (CCS) in the feeding system (WFS) up to the vision inspection (CLCO) and packag- ing station (BS). Integrated as OEM systems in any kind of machine; see IMDvista CLCO OEM Integrated in any kind of external OEM systems such as assembly machines, folding- and slitting machines, robot-systems, labelling machines, etc. Non-destructive inline solution as a complete downstream solution out of one hand. New high volt- age source with password protection. Slitting & folding, inspection and complete downstream equipment for closure production, complete slitting & folding system solution incl. inspection system A complete solution for digital closure printing in outstanding print quality (up to 720dpi) with integrated inspection system Special made for hinges on tethered closures Inspected objects One piece closures, assembled clo- sures, doy pack closures, oil closures, sport caps, aluminium (longskirt) closures, rubber parts, coffee cups, coffee filters, shampoo closures, medi- cal closures, lens containers, pouches, food containers One piece closures, assembled closures, doy pack closures, oil closures, sport caps, aluminium (longskirt) closures, rubber parts, coffee cups, coffee filters, shampoo closures, medical closures, lens container, pouches, food containers One piece closures, assembled closures, doy pack closures, oil closures, sport caps, coffe cups, shampoo closures, medical closures, food containers One piece closures, assembled closures, oil closures, sport caps, shampoo closures, medi- cal closures Various closure upon request Any kind of tethered closures or similar symmetrical parts Inspected parameters: -Inner inspection Short shots, overfill and flashes, contamination, seal defects, colour and colour changes, deformations, diameter and ovality laser marking inspection Short shots, overfill and flashes, contamination, seal defects, colour and colour changes, deformations, diameter and ovality laser marking inspection Short shots, overfill and flashes, contamination, seal defects, colour and colour changes, deformations, diameter and ovality laser marking inspection 360° outside view, hinge defects, defects on tethered closures -Outer inspection 360° outside view, colour and colour changes, contamination, height measurement 360° outside view, colour and colour changes, contamination, height measurement 360° outside view, colour and colour changes, contamination, height measurement -Geometry Geometry measurements upon request Geometry measurements upon request Geometry measurements upon request -Cavity number reading Easy teach in function, cavity recogni- tion, cavity related statistics, cavity related alarm Easy teach in function, cavity recognition, cavity related statistics, cavity related alarm Easy teach in function, cavity recognition, cavity related statistics, cavity related alarm -Microhole inspection Upon request - see IMDvista SPIX pinhole detection system Inline at your production speed -Additional inspection criteria for inserts Upon request Further inspection options IMDvista CLDP closure digital print system, IMDvista SDL slitting & folding system, IMDvista BTIX barrier testing system - closure barrier inspection system Complete closure Inspection after slitting and folding Print inspection directly integrated in the digital closure printing system Colour Camera: IMD uses only colour cameras IMD uses only colour cameras IMD uses only colour cameras IMD uses only colour cameras IMD uses only colour cameras Installation: · Stand-alone (offline) Flexible inline or offline Flexible inline or offline Flexible inline or offline · Inline Flexible inline or offline Flexible inline or offline Flexible inline or offline Software features: IMDvista V5 VCC - Vision Control Center with newest software technology; IMDvista Portal, connects all system on one central data base (HMI for fast and transparent production overview) IMDvista Portal, connects all system on one central data base (HMI for fast and transparent production overview) IMDvista V5 VCC - Vision Control Center with newest software technol- ogy; IMDvista Portal, con- nects all system on one central data base (HMI for fast and transparent production overview) IMDvista Neuron (AI) artificial intelligence software solution