Insider 10 / 2020

BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 10/20 19 Doehler provides individual taste solutions for a variety of beverages such as plant-based drinks with the ingredients derived from sustainable sources of high-quality raw materials. The portfolio ranges from solutions based on almonds to rice, or oats to coconut. The mild taste of oat drinks make them especially popular among consumers and distinguishes them from drinks such as those made from almonds or coconut, whose taste is rather sweet. Furthermore, oats contain important minerals such as potassium and magnesium, essential for building muscles and nerve cells. Alongside the increasing demand for plant-based foods and beverages, plant-based variations of traditional dairy products are also becoming popular. An increasing number of consum- ers around the world would like to avoid alcohol, according to a study conducted by Doehler Sensory & Con- sumer Science in 2019. Nearly half of those consumers surveyed (48%) stated a preference for non-alcoholic beverages over wine or beer, cock- tails and long drinks. However, they are still interested in beverages with a convincing “adult” sensory taste pro- file. Hence, the taste, smell, consist- ency, mouthfeel and colour of non- alcoholic variants should hardly differ from alcoholic originals and should offer equivalent taste experiences. Non-alcoholic beers are now among the top market drivers in the beer category. While the con- sumption of alcoholic beers is only slightly increasing worldwide, non- alcoholic versions are gaining market share. This trend is clearly evident in Australia and New Zealand. The demand for non-alcoholic variants is also steadily increasing in the spirits sector; worldwide, non-alcoholic spir- its are expected to grow at an annual rate of 7.5 per cent by 2024 (Statista, 2020). In addition to low alcohol, more and more consumers are also paying attention to drinks’ sugar con- tent. In the case of spirits, consum- ers in Australia and New Zealand are increasingly focusing on sugar-free or reduced-sugar variants of products such as gin or vodka. Comprehensive portfolio As well as its portfolio of natural and authentic flavour extracts, Doe- hler also offers distillates of single plant substances for the traditional production of gin, as well as distillates from botanical mixtures. All distillates are “From the Named Source” (FTNS) and are produced by traditional batch distillation. Extracts or distillates such as ginger and hibiscus or herbal and tea infusions such as chamomile and hemp or green tea lead to individual flavours for distinctive non-alcoholic spirits. PETcast In our new Road Show podcast, PETplanet meets industry experts from Down Under to Japan and talks with them about their successes, decisions and current developments. Listen to the full conversation at DNC boosters Turnkey all-in-one system • Compact powerhouse with a footprint of only 2.35 m² ‡ ,QLWLDO SUHVVXUH XS WR EDU ² ÀQDO SUHVVXUH XS WR EDU • Plug and play: ready for immediate operation ‡ 3UHPLXP HˣFLHQF\ ,( PRWRU GHOLYHUV LPSUHVVLYH SHUIRUPDQFH DQG HQHUJ\ VDYLQJV • Sigma Control 2 controller: RSWLPXP HˣFLHQF\ DQG QHWZRUN FDSDELOLW\ ,QGXVWULH