Insider 10 / 2020

BOTTLE MAKING 27 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 10/20 Single, distinctive bottle shape Historically, Coca-Cola adopt a different bottle shape for each Brand in its portfolio, including Coke, Fanta, Sprite and juices. A single bottle design for returnable bottles eliminates the need for changeovers and facilitates savings on the production line and helps to reduce empty bottle stock levels. The Universal Returnable Bottle is the same silhouette and distinctly Coca-Cola family, what- ever the contents. Individual products are distinguished by removable renewable label- ling. In pursuit of its strategy of affordability, flexibility and reliability, the company opted for modular, flexible labellers with label extrac- tion at bottle washing stage as the preferred solution. Renewable paper labelling offers a ‘clean’ look and the ability to work with different marketing campaigns. “This solution develop- ment required lot of col- laboration between bottlers, machinery and label sup- pliers in order to achieve a efficient and optimised solu- tion including high speed labelling on all around label- ling (wrap around). Several parameters must be tightly controlled. Coca-Cola is now developing BOPP and RGB paper labelling on the same equipment.” said Paulo Villas. Delivering the solution The design project devel- oped technological solutions that enabled more reuse/ refill cycles with the RefPET material. Each refillable PET bottle can be reused 25 times and can be 100% recycled, including labels, so there is no waste. The Universal refPET bottle was launched in the first half of 2018 and later implemented the renewable labelling system. The lightweight refPET pack- ages are: 2 l/91 g; 2,500ml/110 g; and 3,000ml/125 g bottles. Additionally, returnable glass bottles with ACL (applied ceramic label) was launched completing bottle family. The renewable labelling is now being validate also for returnable glass bottles. Since 2018, Coca-Cola Latin Amer- ica operations began installing the labelling/extraction system. It now has 12 lines in Brazil and 25 lines across the Latin America region, account- ing for around 17% of all production lines in the region. Full implementation across all lines is targeted as part of a five-year plan requiring approximately US$ 250 millions of investment. ;QWT -*5 U[UVGO HQT GHƂEKGPV YCVGT DQVVNKPI (TQO VJG RTGHQTO VQ VJG RCEMCIGF 2'6 DQVVNG QWT NKPGU PQV QPN[ EQPUKFGTCDN[ UCXG QP GPGTI[ DWV CNUQ QP OCVGTKCNU CPF OCKPVGPCPEG EQUVU 1PG UWEJ U[UVGO KU QWT EQORCEV +PPQ2'6 6TK$NQEM #SWC / YJKEJ HQTOU NCDGNU CPF ƂNNU UKPING UGTXG DQVVNGU GURGEKCNN[ GHƂEKGPVN[ #V C TCVG QH WR VQ DQVVNGU RGT JQWT KV CNUQ UCXGU VKOG 6JKU KU YJCV YG ECNN GHƂEKGPE[ TKIJV FQYP VJG NKPG MJU EQO YCVGT SAVING UP TO 20% IN ENERGY IS A GOOD START. BUT BY NO MEANS THE END.