Insider 10 / 2020

PACKAGING / PALLETISING PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 10/20 47 minute in single lane and 50+50 packs/minute in twin lane (speed is variable according to the size of the container and the pack format). Packed products include bottle sizes of 0.33 l, 0.4 l, 0.5 l and 1.5 l in PET. Format changeover can be automati- cally regulated. The packer is equipped with a motorised system of oscillating laning guides at the machine infeed, which facilitate the correct laning of loose product on the conveyor which is made of low friction coefficient ther- moplastic. As another advantage according to SMI is that grouping loose products in the format required is achieved continuously thanks to electronically synchronised fingers and separation guides. A cardboard blank magazine is situated under the infeed conveyor from where the sleeves are picked up by an alter- nate motion cardboard picker. Placed at the start of the cardboard ramp, it is equipped with a vacuum suction system set of suckers. The curved cardboard ramp at the beginning and at the end helps the layer to be inserted under the group of products at the outfeed of the electronic sepa- rator. A compact knife group, where the blade is managed by a “direct- drive” brushless motor makes the cut precise and simplifies maintenance. The wrapper’s new ICOS motors, equipped with integrated, digital servo-driver simplifies the machine cabling to ensure greater energy efficiency, less noise and reduced component wear and tear. The CSK 50P Ergon features a shrink tunnel equipped with optional metal chain and lubrication that ensures that the film under the pack is joined perfectly. The machine is also equipped with a range of optional devices to guaran- tee a high level of quality of the final pack, such as a product stabiliser and an additional 1,150mm conveyor, placed at the tunnel outfeed which allow the packs to cool down. Refresco Finland Oy is part of the Refresco Group, producer of soft drinks and fruit juice for retailers and owners of private brands, which in January 2018 acquired the bottling activities of the American company Cott. It thus became the largest, independent bottler of the sector in Europe and North America and one of the top five in the world. With 59 factories and more than 250 production lines in Benelux, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Poland and the United States, the Refresco Group of companies, head-quartered in Rotterdam, possesses vast experience in the “supply chain” sector and has a reputation for innovation and development. The Dutch multinational group employs more than 9,500 people in Europe and the USA, produces 11 billion litres of beverages annually and in 2018 generated a revenue of around € 3.7 bn.