Insider 10 / 2020

PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 10/20 55 BOTTLES Drinks with collagen The Italian drinks’ manu- facturer, Aqua Sant’ Anna, has brought out a healthy drink with collagen and zinc as part of its “Beauty” product range. Both of these sub- stances support the skin and promote skin renewal and are also supposed to eliminate and render harmless harmful products such as cell toxins and other similar substances. The drink comes in a clear 330ml bottle. Its design, col- ouring and closure colour are reminiscent of a product from the cosmetics industry. “hohes C for kids” Some Eckes-Granini national organisations are offering products that are only currently available in their own countries. For example, in Austria, the company is selling two drinks with 55% juice content under the name “hohes C for kids”. In addi- tion to vitamins C, D and E, folic acid is also added to the Red and Yellow Multis to ensure this target group derives the best possible nutrition from these drinks. No sugar is added. The 330ml bottle is secured by a tamper- proof strip and resealable drinking cap to ensure that it can be easily handled by kids in schools and kin- dergartens. The bottles have printed sleeve labels, which are designed with children in mind.