Insider 12 / 2020

EDITOUR 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 The Ellen MacArthur Founda- tion and the United Nations Environ- ment Programme proposed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment in 2018. Taiwan Circular Economy Network became the first signatory in Taiwan in September 2019. Taiwan has a mature recycling system and many innovative business models and solutions. More than 400 govern- ments, financial institutions, academic research institutes, NGOs, and inter- national companies includ- ing Unilever, Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Carrefour, have signed the commitment and promised to take specific actions. High PET bottle recycling rate Taiwan implemented the four-in-one recycling system which created a high recycling rate of PET bottles and enabled the recycling of 67 product items of 13 categories. More than 5.1 billion PET bottles are collected per year. Taiwan strives to turn wastes into resources and promote circular economy, so as to achieve the goal of total resource recycling and sustainable materials. Taiwan focuses on recy- cling organic wastes for renewable energy, creates reuse value with recycling technology. You will learn more about the Taiwanese bever- age market in our upcom- ing issues of PETplanet Insider: We met Limner Tech- nology, a family owned company specialised in cosmetics and beauty care products, manufac- turing delicate heavy-wall PET bottles and jars. The second report is about the company Target Plastic producing PET bottles, par- ticularly for hot fill applica- tions and, more recently, ready-made ones for OEM drinks. Finally you will learn about the giant company Taiwan Hon Chuan Enter- prise Ltd. expanding their business portfolio with food and dairy products. Sources: PETcast In our new Road Show podcast, PETplanet meets industry experts from Down Under to Japan and talks with them about their successes, decisions and current developments. Listen to the full conversation at